کتاب های Iren Ozgur

Islamic Schools in Modern Turkey
Iren Ozgur, 2012
New Trends in Computational Electromagnetics
Özgür Ergül, Ozgur Ergul, 2020
Neo-Liberal Saldırı, Kriz ve İnsanlık
Göksel N. Demirer, Temel Demirer , Metin Duran, Özgür Orhangazi, Gökçer Özgür, Kahraman Yapıcı, 2023
Grundrisse'den Kapital'e Patikalar
Ozgur Ozturk, Melda Yaman, Ozgur Narin, 2017
Grundrisse'den Kapital'e Patikalar
Özgür Öztürk, Melda Yaman, Özgür Narin, 2017
Grundrisse’den Kapital’e Patikalar
Özgür Öztürk, Melda Yaman, Özgür Narin, 2017
Activated Carbon for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Integration of Adsorption and Biological Treatment
Ferhan Çeçen, Özgür Aktaş, 2011
Progress in Clean Energy, Volume 1: Analysis and Modeling
Ibrahim Dincer, C. Ozgur Colpan, Onder Kizilkan, M. Akif Ezan (eds.), 2015
Guide to Programming and Algorithms Using R
Özgür Ergül (auth.), 2013
Guide to Programming and Algorithms Using R
Özgür Ergül (auth.), 2013
Guide to Programming and Algorithms Using R
Ozgur Ergul, 2013
Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications: CUTE 2012
Ozgur Koray Sahingoz (auth.), 2013
The Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm
Ozgur Ergul, 2014
The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey: Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism
Ozgur Mutlu Ulus, 2011
Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Human Rights Law
Özgür Heval Çınar (auth.), 2013
The Right to Conscientious Objection to Military Service and Turkey’s Obligations under International Human Rights Law
Özgür Heval Çinar (auth.), 2014
Conscientious Objection: Resisting Militarized Society
Ozgur Heval Cinar, 2009
Financialization and the US Economy (New Directions in Modern Economics)
Ozgur Orhangazi, 2008
Fundamentals of Space Business and Economics
Ozgur Gurtuna (auth.), 2013
Fundamentals of Space Business and Economics
Ozgur Gurtuna, 2013
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Practical Guide to Anatomy and Techniques
Burak M. Ozgur (auth.), 2009
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Practical Guide to Anatomy and Techniques
Burak M. Ozgur (auth.), 2009
Generic and Energy-Efficient Context-Aware Mobile Sensing
Ozgur Yurur, 2015