کتاب های J. D. Barry (auth.)

Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up
Dave Barry, 2001
Dave Barry Is Not Taking This Sitting Down
Dave Barry, 2000
Dave barry is not taking this sitting down
Barry, Dave; MacNelly, Jeff, 2000
Dave Barry's Anthology
Dave Barry, 2007
Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs
Dave Barry, 2000
Dave Barry's greatest hits
Barry, Dave, 1988
Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need
Dave Barry, 1992
Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need
Dave Barry, 1999
Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need
Dave Barry, 1999
Asthma and Allergic Diseases. Physiology, Immunopharmacology, and Treatment
Gianni Marone, K. Frank Austen, Stephen T. Holgate, A. Barry Kay and Lawrence M. Uchtenstein (Eds.), 1998
Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die: The Interface of Social Science, Public Policy, and Medical Ethics
Barry, Ph.D. Rosenfeld, 2004
The best American science and nature writing 2015
Abrahamson, Jake; Bilger, Burkhard; Boneham, Sheila Webster; Boyle, Rebecca; Deming, Alison Hawthorne; Fink, Sheri; Folger, Tim; Gawande, Atul; Hamilton, Lisa M.; Jacobsen, Rowan; Jamison, Leslie; Jarvis, Brooke; Kean, Sam; Keith, Jourdan Imani; Kintisch, Eli; Kolbert, Elizabeth; Maxmen, Amy; Mnookin, Seth; Overbye, Dennis; Power, Matthew; Schweitzer, Sarah; Skloot, Rebecca; Specter, Michael; Subramanian, Meera; Todd, Kim; Wolman, David; Yeoman, Barry, 2015
Angels in the American Theater: Patrons, Patronage, and Philanthropy
Robert A Schanke, Theresa M COLLINS, Melanie Blood, Alexis GREENE, Jennifer SCHLUETER, Dan Friedman, David A. Crespy, John R Poole, Barry B Witham, Sheila Anderson, Bruce Kirle Ph.D., Stephen D Burwind, Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, Ullom, Kathy L Privatt, Dr. Anthony J Vickery PhD, 2007
Flagellates: Unity, Diversity and Evolution (Systematics Association Special Volumes)
Barry S. C. Leadbeater, John C. Green, 2000
40 years of chemometrics : from Bruce Kowalski to the future
Booksh, Karl S.; Brown, Steven D.; Lavine, Barry K, 2015
After the Great Recession: The Struggle for Economic Recovery and Growth
Barry Z. Cynamon, Steven Fazzari, Mark Setterfield, Robert Kuttner, 2012
Armor of the Afghanistan War (Firepower Pictorials Special)
Steven J. Zaloga, Wojciech Luczak, Barry Beldam, 1992
Harry Belten and the Mendelssohn violin concerto
Barry Targan, 1975
Political Space: Frontiers of Change and Governance in a Globalizing World
Yale H. Ferguson, R. J. Barry Jones, 2002
Foundation Flash Cartoon Animation
Barry Kelly, Tim Jones, David Wolfe, Allan Rosson, 2007
Foundation Flash Cartoon Animation (Foundation)
Tim Jones, Allan Rosson, Barry Kelly, David Wolfe, 2007