کتاب های J. E. Kinsella

Adult Manga : Culture and Power in Contemporary Japanese Society
Sharon Kinsella, 2000
Out of the Dark, 1914-1918: South Dubliners Who Fell in the Great War
Ken Kinsella, 2014
Disclosed Poetics: Beyond Landscape and Lyricism
John Kinsella, 2008
Signing with your clients : a practical manual for audiologists and speech/language pathologists
Florence C. Vold, Mary Ann Kinsella-Meier, and Mary C. Hughes Hilley, 1990
The Dialectics Of Liberty: Exploring The Context Of Human Freedom
Roger E. Bissell; Chris Matthew Sciabarra; Edward W. Younkins; John F Welsh; Douglas J. Den Uyl; Douglas B. Rasmussen; N. Stephan Kinsella; Robert L Campbell; Nathan Goodman; Deirdre N. McCloskey; Robert Higgs; David L Prychitko; Steven Horwitz; Roderick T Long; Gary Chartier; Billy Christmas; Kevin A Carson; Jason Lee Byas; Troy Camplin, 2019
Schoolgirls, Money and Rebellion in Japan
Sharon Kinsella, 2014
Suggested organizational plan for a guidance program for Trona Junior-Senior High School
Del Sant, Mary Kinsella
My Not So Perfect Life
Sophie Kinsella, 2017
I Owe You One
Sophie Kinsella, 2019
Japanese Baseball and other stories
W.P. Kinsella, 2013
Love Your Life: A Novel
Sophie Kinsella, 2020
Mobilizing Knowledge in Physiotherapy: Critical Reflections on Foundations and Practices
David A. Nicholls, Karen Synne Groven, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella, Rani Lill Anjum, 2021
The image before the weapon
Helen Kinsella, 2011
CBT for Long-Term Conditions and Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Practitioner’s Guide
Philip Kinsella, Helen Moya, 2021
Urban Regeneration and Neoliberalism: The New Liverpool Home
Clare Kinsella, 2020