کتاب های Jackie Ann Ruiz

Grimoire of Grimoires (Mage: the Awakening)
Joseph Carriker, Jackie Cassada, Matthew McFarland, Stephen DiPesa, John Newman, Malcolm Sheppard, John Snead, 2008
Guildbook: Puppeteers and Pardoners (Wraith: The Oblivion)
Elizabeth Ditchburn, Heather Grove, Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea
Intruders: Encounters With the Abyss (Mage: the Awakening)
Bill Bridges, Jackie Cassada, Rick Chillot, Stephen Michael DiPesa, Alexander Freed, Matthew McFarland, John Snead, Chuck Wendig, 2007
Mage Storytellers Companion (Mage: The Ascension)
Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, 2000
Ravenloft Gazetteer III (Ravenloft d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Jackie Cassada, 2003
Ravenloft Gazetteer V (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying, Ravenloft Setting)
Jackie Cassada, John Mangrum, Steve Miller
Tome of Watchtowers (Mage: the Awakening)
Kraig Blackwelder, Jackie Cassada, Sam Inabinet, Steve Kenson, Matthew McFarland, Nicky Rea, 2006
Transylvania Chronicles 4: The Dragon Ascendant (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Brian Campbell, Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, 2000
Tribebook: Uktena (Werewolf: The Apocalypse)
Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, 1998
World of Darkness: Hong Kong
Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, Jason Felix, Michael Gaydos, Jay Geldhof, 1998
Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres: La reinvención de la naturaleza
Donna J. Haraway, Manuel Talens (traductor), Jorge Arditi, Fernando Garcia Selgas, Jackie Orr (prologo a la edicion espanola), 1995
Big math activities for young children for preschool, kindergarten, and primary children
James L. Overholt, Jackie White-Holtz, Sydney S. Dickson, 1999
Developing language and communication skills through effective small group work : spirals : from 3 to 8
Marion Nash; Jackie Lowe; Tracey Palmer, 2011
Recipes for Project Success
Al Delucia, Jackie Delucia, 1999
A companion to the Overseas Nurses Programme
Jackie Hulse, 2008
1,000 Low-Calorie Recipes
Jackie Newgent, 2012
1,000 Low-Calorie Recipes
Jackie Newgent, 2012
To the Moon and Back
Jackie French, 2010
Zoom Groom - Decodable Book 29 Grade 1
Nancy Furstinger illustrated by Jackie Snyder, 2006
Towards Sustainability: Emerging Systems for Informing Sustainable Development
Jackie Venning, 2001
Towards Sustainability: Emerging Systems for Informing Sustainable Development
Jackie Venning, 2001
A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli
Jackie Feldman, 2016