کتاب های Jacqueline Sack

From Miniskirt to Hijab: A Girl in Revolutionary Iran
Jacqueline Saper, 2019
Readings of the Lotus Sutra
Stephen F. Teiser; Jacqueline I. Stone, 2009
The Life of Alcibiades: Dangerous Ambition and the Betrayal of Athens
Jacqueline de Romilly; Elizabeth Trapnell Rawlings, 2019
The Mind of Thucydides
Jacqueline Romilly; Hunter R. Rawlings III; Jeffrey Rusten, 2012
Orality and Literacy in the Demotic Tales
Jacqueline E. Jay, 2016
Culturally Specific Pedagogy in the Mathematics Classroom: Strategies for Teachers and Students
Jacqueline Leonard, 2018
On Multimodality: New Media in Composition Studies
Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, 2014
World Greatest National Parks 2019
Jacqueline Snowden, 2019
La loi dans la pensée grecque: des origines à Aristote
de Romilly, Jacqueline, 1971
Medieval Sermons and Society: Cloister, City, University
Jacqueline Hamesse, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Debra L. Stoudt, Anne T. Thayer, 1998
Aux origines du lexique philosophique européen: L’influence de la ’latinitas’
Jacqueline Hamesse, 1997
A Time to Speak Out: Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism and Jewish Identity
Anne Karpf, Brian Klug, Jacqueline Rose, Barbara Rosenbaum, Julia Bard, 2008
Build a Career in Data Science
Jacqueline Nolis, Emily Robinson, 2020
Understanding Sociological Theory for Education Practices
Tiana Ferfolja, Criss Jones Dianz, Jacqueline Ullman, 2018
Ejercicios resueltos de análisis
Leleong-Ferrand Jacqueline, 1986
Magic, Body and the Self in Eighteenth-Century Sweden
Jacqueline Van Gent, 2008
Álgebra, trigonometría y geometría analítica
Dennis G. Zill, Jacqueline M. Dewar, 2012
The Mind of Thucydides
Jacqueline de Romilly, 2017
The Life of Alcibiades: Dangerous Ambition and the Betrayal of Athens
Jacqueline de Romilly, 2019
Metodología de investigación holística
Jacqueline Hurtado de Barrera, 2000