کتاب های Jagdish C. Arya

Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Science
Jagdish C. Agrawal, 1985
Optimization Techniques in Statistics
Jagdish S. Rustagi (Auth.), 1994
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory. 1932-1941
Jagdish Mehra, 2001
Teaching of Statistics and Statistical Consulting
Jagdish S. Rustagi, 1982
Historical and Biographical Reflections and Syntheses
Jagdish Mehra (auth.), 2001
The completion of quantum mechanics, 1926-1941
Jagdish Mehra, 2001
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, Volume 2: The Discovery of Quantum Mechanics, 1925
Jagdish Mehra, Helmut Rechenberg, 1982
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, Vol. 3: The Formulation of Matrix Mechanics and Its Modifications, 1925-1926
Jagdish Mehra, Helmut Rechenberg, 1982
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, Vol. 5: Erwin Schrödinger and the Rise of Wave Mechanics, Part 1: Schrödinger in Vienna and Zurich, 1887-1925
Jagdish Mehra, Helmut Rechenberg, 1987
Multicultural Education in Glocal Perspectives: Policy and Institutionalization
Yun-Kyung Cha, Jagdish Gundara, Seung-Hwan Ham, Moosung Lee (eds.), 2017
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2016, Volume 1
Kusum Deep, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Kedar Nath Das, Arvind Kumar Lal, Harish Garg, Atulya K. Nagar, Millie Pant (eds.), 2017
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2015, Volume 1
Millie Pant, Kusum Deep, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Atulya Nagar, Kedar Nath Das (eds.), 2016
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2015, Volume 2
Millie Pant, Kusum Deep, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Atulya Nagar, Kedar Nath Das (eds.), 2016
Cardiovascular Pathology, Fourth Edition
L. Maximilian Buja MD, Jagdish Butany, 2016
Arduino: Building LED and Espionage Projects
Adith Jagdish Boloor, Samarth Shah, Utsav Shah, Marco Schwartz, 2016
The collected works of Eugene Paul Wigner. Part B : Historical, philosophical, and socio-political papers. Vol. 7: Historical and biographical reflections and syntheses
Balazs, Nandor; Chester, Conrad; Emch, Gérard G.; Feshbach, Herman; Kohn, Walter; Mehra, Jagdish; Perry, Alfred M.; Shimony, Abner; Weinberg, Alvin Martin; Wightman, Arthur Strong; Wigner, Eugene Paul, 2001
Jagdish Handa
The World Trade System: Trends and Challenges
Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Pravin Krishna, and Arvind Panagariya (eds), 2016