کتاب های Jake Braun

Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Oldowan
Erella Hovers, Erella Hovers, David R. Braun, 2008
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Oldowan
Erella Hovers, Erella Hovers, David R. Braun, 2008
Festschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein — Westfalen zu Ehren des Herrn Ministerpräsidenten Karl Arnold
Richard Alewyn, Herbert von Einem, Joseph Höffner, Günther Jachmann, Gerhard Kegel, Josef Kroll, Thomas Ohm, Hans Peters, Josef Pieper, Karl Heinrich Rengstorf, Fritz Schalk, Georg Schreiber, Friedrich Karl Schumann, Franz Steinbach, Hans Erich Stier, Jost Trier, Leo Weisgerber, Harry Westermann, Hans J. Wolff, Leo Brandt, Kurt Alder, Volker Aschoff, Friedrich Becker, Heinrich Behnke, Theodor Beste, Hans Braun, Wilhelm Fucks, Wilhelm Groth, Fritz Gummert, Burckhardt Helferich, Walther L. Hoffman, 1955
Lasers in Dermatology: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Ulm, 26 September 1989
S. L. Jacques (auth.), Professor Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Roland Kaufmann, Prof. Dr. med. Michael Landthaler, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. mult. Otto Braun-Falco (eds.), 1991
Collaboration between the health and transport sectors in promoting physical activity : examples from European countries
Oliver Thommen Dombois, Sonja Kahlmeier, Eva Martin-Diener, Brian Martin, Francesca Racioppi and Charlotte Braun-Fahrlander
Herbs and Natural Supplements, Volume 1: An Evidence-Based Guide
Lesley Braun, Marc Cohen, 2015
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Materials to System Modeling
Tim S. Zhao, Meng Ni, Laurie Peter, Ferdi Schuth, Ibrahim Dincer, Z. Shao, Changrong Xia, Josephine M Hill, Xingbo Liu, San P Jiang, Nigel Brandon, Naoki Shikazono, Wolfgang Bessler, Jingli Luo, Harumi Yokokawaa, Robert Braun, F Calise, Xinjian Zhu, 2013
Visual Attention and Cortical Circuits
Jochen Braun, Christof Koch, Joel L. Davis, 2001
Morphology and Physiology of Plant Tumors: Pathologie des Protoplasmas
Armin C. Braun, Tom Stonier (auth.), 1958
Food Price Volatility and Its Implications for Food Security and Policy
Matthias Kalkuhl, Joachim von Braun, Maximo Torero (eds.), 2016
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2005
Polymer synthesis: theory and practice: fundamentals, methods, experiments
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2004
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice: Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2004
Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: IV. Biodiversity and Biotechnology
Anatole F. Krattiger (auth.), Prof. Dr. Klaus Ammann, Dr. Yolande Jacot, Prof. Dr. Richard Braun (eds.), 2003
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology: Ergebnisse der Mikrobiologie und Immunitatsforschung
Volker ter Meulen, Michael Katz (auth.), W. Arber, W. Braun, R. Haas, W. Henle, P. H. Hofschneider, N. K. Jerne, P. Koldovský, H. Koprowski, O. Maaløe, R. Rott, H. G. Schweiger, M. Sela, L. Syruček, P. K. Vogt, E. Wecker (eds.), 1972
Accounting for the Public Interest: Perspectives on Accountability, Professionalism and Role in Society
Michael K. Shaub, Robert L. Braun (auth.), Steven Mintz (eds.), 2014
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004: Algorithmen — Systeme — Anwendungen
Markus Siebert, Alexander Jovanovic, Felix Eckstein, Heiko Graichen (auth.), Thomas Tolxdorff, Jürgen Braun, Heinz Handels, Alexander Horsch, Hans-Peter Meinzer (eds.), 2004
Out of the Crystal Maze: Chapters from The History of Solid State Physics
Lillian Hoddeson, Ernst Braun, Jurgen Teichmann, Spencer Weart, 1992
200 and More NMR Experiments
Stefan Berger, Siegmar Braun, 2004
Over the Counter Pharmaceutical Formulations
David D. Braun (Auth.), 1994
W. S. Haubrich (auth.), Professor Dr. F. Bläker, Professor Dr. W. Braun, Professor Dr. E. Bücheler, Professor Dr. R. Daum, Professor Dr. R. J. A. M. van Dongen, Professor Dr. W. Erbe, Professor Dr. E. H. Farthmann, Dr. L. Filippini, Professor Dr. F. H. Franken, Professor Dr. H. Freyberger, Privatdozent Dr. J.-O. Gebbers, W. S. Haubrich M.D., F.A.C.P., Professor Dr. K. H. Hölze, Dr. W. Kühner, Professor Dr. W. Mohr, Professor Dr. K. Müller-Wieland, Professor Dr. R. Ottenjann, Professor Dr. H. F., 1982
Nuklearmedizin / Nuclear Medicine: Teil 1A Radiopharmaka · Gerätetechnik Strahlenschutz/Part 1A Radiopharmaceuticals Instrumentation Technology Radiation Protection
Dr. R. Berberich, Frau Dr. M. Besnard, Ing. B. Braun, Professor Dr. Y. Cohen, Dipl.-Phys. J. Fitschen, Dr. P. Gielow, Dr. H. I. Glass, Dr. H. Henseler, Dr. R. Hindel, Professor Dipl.-Ing. K. Jordan, Dr. D. Junker, Dipl.-Phys. K. Kasperek, Dr.-Ing. V. Klement, Dr. R. A. Krause, Dr. M. Löffler, Professor Dr. W. J. Lorenz, Dr. R. Maushart, Dr. P. Meyer, Professor Dr. E. Oberhausen, Professor Dr. R. Wolf (auth.), Professor Dr. H. Hundeshagen (eds.), 1980
Angiography of the Mesencephalon: Normal and Pathological Findings
Prof. agr. Auguste Wackenheim M.D., Dr. Jean-Paul Braun M.D. (auth.), 1970