کتاب های James H. Diaz

Encyclopedia of Astrobiology
Muriel Gargaud, Prof. Ricardo Amils, José Cernicharo Quintanilla, Henderson James (Jim) Cleaves II, William M. Irvine, Prof. Daniele L. Pinti, Michel Viso (eds.), 2011
Encyclopedia of Astrobiology
Muriel Gargaud, Prof. Ricardo Amils, José Cernicharo Quintanilla, Henderson James (Jim) Cleaves II, William M. Irvine, Prof. Daniele L. Pinti, Michel Viso (eds.), 2011
Encyclopedia of Astrobiology
Muriel Gargaud, William M. Irvine, Ricardo Amils, Henderson James (Jim) Cleaves II, Daniele L. Pinti, José Cernicharo Quintanilla, Daniel Rouan, Tilman Spohn, Stéphane Tirard, Michel Viso (eds.), 2015
An Introduction to Black Holes, Information And The String Theory Revolution: The Holographic Universe
Leonard Susskind, James Lindesay, 2004
Astrophysical Flows
James E. Pringle, Andrew King, 2007
Black holes
James Barter, 2004
Black holes
James Barter, 2004
El paisaje cósmico : teoría de cuerdas y el mito del diseño inteligente
Lindesay, James, 2007
Fundamentals of cosmology
James Rich, 2010
Fundamentals of Cosmology
James Rich (auth.), 2010
Fundamentals of Cosmology
James Rich (auth.), 2010
Fundamentals of Cosmology
James Rich (auth.), 2010
Fundamentals of Cosmology
James Rich, 2001
Galactic dynamics
James Binney, Scott Tremaine, 1987
A Quantitative Approach to Commercial Damages, + Website: Applying Statistics to the Measurement of Lost Profits
Mark G. Filler, James A. DiGabriele, 2012
Allgemeine Strahlentherapeutische Methodik / Methods and Procedures of Radiation Therapy
Dr. Olof Dahl, Dr. Lee E. Farr, Dr. Sylvia Fedoruk, Professor Dr. P. F. Hahn, Professor Dr. Dr. Ulrich K. Henschke, Dr. B. S. Hilaris, Professor Dr. H. Kuttig, Dr. David G. Mahan, Professor Dr. L. D. Marinelli, Dr. Bengt Mårtenson, Professor Dr. Aldo Perussia, Dr. James S. Robertson, Professor Dr. Kurt E. Scheer, Dr. Lennart Sundbom, Professor Dr. Rune Walstam, Professor Dr. T. A. Watson, Dr. Günter Weitzel, Dr. Graeme P. Welch (auth.), H. Vieten, F. Wachsmann (eds.), 1971
Allgemeine Strahlentherapeutische Methodik Teil 2 / Methods and Procedures of Radiation Therapy Part 2
Dr. Olof Dahl, Dr. Lee E. Farr, Dr. Sylvia Fedoruk, Professor Dr. P. F. Hahn, Professor Dr. Dr. Ulrich K. Henschke, Dr. B. S. Hilaris, Professor Dr. H. Kuttig, Dr. David G. Mahan, Professor Dr. L. D. Marinelli, Dr. Bengt Mårtenson, Professor Dr. Aldo Perussia, Dr. James S. Robertson, Professor Dr. Kurt E. Scheer, Dr. Lennart Sundbom, Professor Dr. Rune Walstam, Professor Dr. T. A. Watson, Dr. Günter Weitzel, Dr. Graeme P. Welch (auth.), H. Vieten, F. Wachsmann (eds.), 1971
Aeroacoustic Measurements
Christopher S. Allen, William K. Blake, Robert P. Dougherty, Denis Lynch, Paul T. Soderman, James R. Underbrink (auth.), Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Mueller (eds.), 2002
Acceptance and Mindfulness in Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Understanding and Applying the New Therapies
James D. Herbert and Evan M. Forman (Editors), 2011
Acceptance and Mindfulness in Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Understanding and Applying the New Therapies
James D. Herbert, Evan M. Forman, 2010
Atrocidades Turcas na Armênia - Denúncias de Grandes Personalidades
Arnold Toynbee, Lorde James Bryce, 2005
A arte do romance - antologia de prefácios
Henry James, 2014
Arithmetic and Geometry Around Hypergeometric Functions: Lecture Notes of a CIMPA Summer School held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2005
Daniel Allcock, James A. Carlson (auth.), Rolf-Peter Holzapfel, A. Muhammed Uludağ, Masaaki Yoshida (eds.), 2007