کتاب های James S. Robertson

Mastering the Requirements Process: Getting Requirements Right
Suzanne Robertson; James Robertson, 2012
Suzanne Robertson; James Robertson, 2014
Volere Requirements Specification Template
James Robertson; Suzanne Robertson, 2012
Hearts Touched by Fire: The Best of Battles and Leaders of the Civil War
Harold Holzer (Ed.); James M. McPherson, James I. Robertson, Jr., Stephen W. Sears, Craig L. Symonds, Joan Waugh (contributors), 2011
Who Built Scotland: 25 Journeys In Search Of A Nation
Alexander McCall Smith, Alistair Moffat, James Crawford, James Robertson, Kathleen Jamie, 2017
From Manassas to Appomattox : memoirs of the Civil War in America
James Longstreet; Jr. James Irvin Robertson; Christian B. Keller, 2020
Allgemeine Strahlentherapeutische Methodik / Methods and Procedures of Radiation Therapy
Dr. Olof Dahl, Dr. Lee E. Farr, Dr. Sylvia Fedoruk, Professor Dr. P. F. Hahn, Professor Dr. Dr. Ulrich K. Henschke, Dr. B. S. Hilaris, Professor Dr. H. Kuttig, Dr. David G. Mahan, Professor Dr. L. D. Marinelli, Dr. Bengt Mårtenson, Professor Dr. Aldo Perussia, Dr. James S. Robertson, Professor Dr. Kurt E. Scheer, Dr. Lennart Sundbom, Professor Dr. Rune Walstam, Professor Dr. T. A. Watson, Dr. Günter Weitzel, Dr. Graeme P. Welch (auth.), H. Vieten, F. Wachsmann (eds.), 1971
Allgemeine Strahlentherapeutische Methodik Teil 2 / Methods and Procedures of Radiation Therapy Part 2
Dr. Olof Dahl, Dr. Lee E. Farr, Dr. Sylvia Fedoruk, Professor Dr. P. F. Hahn, Professor Dr. Dr. Ulrich K. Henschke, Dr. B. S. Hilaris, Professor Dr. H. Kuttig, Dr. David G. Mahan, Professor Dr. L. D. Marinelli, Dr. Bengt Mårtenson, Professor Dr. Aldo Perussia, Dr. James S. Robertson, Professor Dr. Kurt E. Scheer, Dr. Lennart Sundbom, Professor Dr. Rune Walstam, Professor Dr. T. A. Watson, Dr. Günter Weitzel, Dr. Graeme P. Welch (auth.), H. Vieten, F. Wachsmann (eds.), 1971
Management, operation, and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems
Johnston, William R.; Clemmens, Albert J.; Robertson, James B, 1991
Здоровье и питание в Европе. Новая основа для действий
Под редакцией: Aileen Robertson, Cristina Tirado, Tim Lobstein, Marco Jermini, Cecile Knai, Jørgen H. Jensen, Anna Ferro-Luzzi и W.P.T. James. Переводчик: Александр Решетов, 2004
Recent Advances in Aquaculture: Volume 2
Derek A. Robertson (auth.), James F. Muir, Ronald J. Roberts (eds.), 1985
Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics
James Robertson (auth.), 2009
The New Economics of Sustainable Development: A Briefing for Policy Makers
James Robertson, 2000
Drupal for Education and E-Learning
James G. Robertson, 2013
Drupal for Education and E-Learning - Second Edition
James G. Robertson, 2013
Drupal for Education and E-Learning - Second Edition
James G. Robertson, 2013
Digital Culture Industry: A History of Digital Distribution
James Allen-Robertson, 2013
Digital Culture Industry: A History of Digital Distribution
James Allen-Robertson, 2013
Digital culture industry: a history of digital distribution
James Allen-Robertson, 2013
Digital Culture Industry: A History of Digital Distribution
James Allen-Robertson (auth.), 2013
Tenting Tonight: The Soldier's Life
James I. Robertson, 1984
DNA In Forensic Science: Theory, Techniques And Applications
James R. Robertson, 1990
Topics in Dietary Fiber Research
James B. Robertson (auth.), 1978