کتاب های James W. May

Data Parallel C++: Mastering DPC++ for Programming of Heterogeneous Systems using C++ and SYCL
James Reinders; Ben Ashbaugh; James Brodman; Michael Kinsner; John Pennycook; Xinmin Tian
Who Built Scotland: 25 Journeys In Search Of A Nation
Alexander McCall Smith, Alistair Moffat, James Crawford, James Robertson, Kathleen Jamie, 2017
Rebranding Islam: Piety, Prosperity, and a Self-Help Guru
James Bourk Hoesterey; James Hoesterey, 2015
Passive House in Different Climates: The Path to Net Zero
Mary James, James Bill, 2016
Orson Welles in Focus: Texts and Contexts
James Naremore, James N. Gilmore, Sidney Gottlieb, 2018
Moving Against the System: The 1968 Congress of Black Writers and the Making of Global Black Consciousness
David Austin; Alvin Poussaint; C. L. R. James; Robert Hill; Walter Rodney; Richard B. Moore; Richard Small; Harry Edwards; James Forman; Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael); Michael Smith; Rosie Douglas, 2018
Ben & Jerry’s: Preserving Mission and Brand within Unilever
James Austin, James Quinn, 2005;2007
Medieval Rhetoric: A Select Bibliography
James Jerome Murphy; Murphy, James Jerome Murphy; University of Toronto. Centre for Medieval Studies
Images, Relics, and Legends: The Formation and Transformation of Buddhist Sacred Sites
James A. Benn; Jinhua Chen; James Robson, 2010
Virginia Series (George Rogers Clark Papers)
James Alton James, 1912
Nazi-Soviet Relations 1939 - 1941: Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Office
Raymond James Sontag (editor), James Stuart Beddie (editor), 2003
Liver Transplantation: Clinical Assessment and Management
James Ferguson (editor); James Neuberger (editor); Michael R. Lucey (editor); Philip N. Newsome (editor), 2021
Functional Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide to Implementation and Training
James T. Chok, Jill M. Harper, Mary Jane Weiss, Frank L. Bird, James K. Luiselli, 2019
Film Moments: Criticism, History, Theory
James Walters, Tom Brown, Dr James Walters (editor), Dr Tom Brown (editor), 2010
Homeric Misdirection: False Predictions in the Iliad
James V. Morrison; James D. Morrison, 1992
Abeloff's clinical oncology
Martin D. Abeloff (editor); James O. Armitage (editor); James H Doroshow (editor); John E Niederhuber (editor); Joel E Tepper (editor); Michael B Kastan (editor), 2020
Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology
Robert Rutford, James Carter, James Zumberge, 2013
Occupancy Estimation and Modeling: Inferring Patterns and Dynamics of Species Occurrence (2nd Edition)
Darryl I. MacKenzie; James D. Nichols; J. Andrew Royle; Kenneth H. Pollock; Larissa L. Bailey; James E. Hines, 2017
The recovery bible
Bill W.; Ralph Waldo Trine; Samuel Moor Shoemaker; Emmet Fox; William James; Bill W.; Henry Drummond; James Allen, 2013
Assessing the Implicit Personality Through Conditional Reasoning
Lawrence R. James, James M. LeBreton, 2011
The Federalist: a collection
Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison; George W. Carey, James McClellan, 2001
Migration, Mobility and Language Contact in and around the Ancient Mediterranean
James Clackson (editor), Patrick James (editor), Katherine McDonald (editor), Livia Tagliapietra (editor), Nicholas Zair (editor), 2020
Graphene: The Route to Commercialisation
James H. Baker, James Tallentire, 2021
A Short History of Virginia City
Ronald M. James, Susan A. James, 2014