کتاب های Jan Gube And Fang Gao

Food Literacy: How Do Communications and Marketing Impact Consumer Knowledge, Skills, and Behavior? Workshop Summary
and Medicine Engineering National Academies of Sciences; Health and Medicine Division; Food and Nutrition Board; Food Forum; Leslie Pray, 2016
Progress Toward Restoring the Everglades: The Third Biennial Review - 2010
National Research Council; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology; Water Science and Technology Board; Committee on Independent Scientific Review of Everglades Restoration Progress, 2011
Research Agenda for Test Methods and Models to Simulate the Accelerated Aging of Infrastructure Materials: Report of a Workshop
National Research Council; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences; Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems; Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment, 1999
Nuclear Wastes: Technologies for Separations and Transmutation
National Research Council; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Environment and Resources Commission on Geosciences; Committee on Separations Technology and Transmutation Systems, 1996
Myths and Tradeoffs: The Role of Tests in Undergraduate Admissions
National Research Council; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; Board on Testing and Assessment; Steering Committee for the Workshop on Higher Education Admissions; Robert L. Linn; M. R. C. Greenwood; Alexandra Beatty; Robert L. Linn, 1999
Landscapes on the Edge: New Horizons for Research on Earth's Surface
National Research Council; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Committee on Challenges and Opportunities in Earth Surface Processes, 2010
Seeing into the Earth: Noninvasive Characterization of the Shallow Subsurface for Environmental and Engineering Applications
National Research Council; and Resources Environment Commission on Geosciences; Water Science and Technology Board; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, 2000
Enhancing BioWatch Capabilities Through Technology and Collaboration: Proceedings of a Workshop
and Medicine Engineering National Academies of Sciences; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Standing Committee on Health Threats and Workforce Resilience; Joe Alper, 2018
The Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing: Year 2000 Progress Assessment of the PATH Program
National Research Council; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences; Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment; Committee for Oversight and Assessment of the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing, 2001
Science, Policy, and the Coast: Improving Decisionmaking
National Research Council; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Environment and Resources Commission on Geosciences; Committee on Science and Policy for the Coastal Ocean, 1995
Advancing Therapeutic Development for Pain and Opioid Use Disorders Through Public-Private Partnerships: Proceedings of a Workshop
and Medicine Engineering National Academies of Sciences; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders; Clare Stroud; Sheena M. Posey Norris; Lisa Bain, 2018
Advanced DC/AC inverters : applications in renewable energy
Fang Lin Luo; Hong Ye, 2013
Renewable Energy Systems: Advanced Conversion Technologies and Applications
Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye, 2013
A Handbook of Comparative Tai
Fang Kuei Li, 1977
Foundation engineering handbook
Hsai-Yang Fang, 1991
Foundation Engineering Handbook
John Lowe III, Philip F. Zaccheo (auth.), Hsai-Yang Fang Ph.D. (eds.), 1991
Handbook of Asian American Health
Fang Gong, David T. Takeuchi (auth.), Grace J. Yoo, Mai-Nhung Le, Alan Y. Oda (eds.), 2013
Handbook of Innovative Nanomaterials: From Syntheses to Applications
Xiaosheng Fang (ed.), Limin Wu (ed.), 2012
Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking
Li-Fang Zhang, Robert J. Sternberg, Stephen Rayner (editors), 2011
Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking
Dr. Li-Fang Zhang PhD, Robert J. Sternberg PhD, Stephen Rayner PhD, 2011
Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking
Dr. Li-Fang Zhang PhD, Robert J. Sternberg PhD, Stephen Rayner PhD, 2011
Handbook of research on text and Web mining techologies
Min Song, Min Song, Yi-Fang Brook Wu, 2009
Advanced DC/DC converters
Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye, 2004
Advanced DC/DC converters
Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye, 2004