کتاب های Jan Krag Jacobsen

Intervju - Konsten att lyssna och fråga
Jan Krag Jacobsen, 1993
No Longer Invisible: Religion in University Education
Rhonda Hustedt Jacobsen, Douglas Jacobsen, 2012
Fundamentals of general linear acoustics
Juhl, Peter Moller; Jacobsen, Finn, 2013
Freud's Foes: Psychoanalysis, Science, and Resistance (Polemics)
Kurt Jacobsen, 2009
Distributed Infrastructure Support for Electronic Commerce Applications
Hans-Arno Jacobsen (auth.), 2004
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 11th International Conference, CAiSE"99 Heidelberg, Germany, June 14—18, 1999 Proceedings
Ivar Jacobsen (auth.), Matthias Jarke, Andreas Oberweis (eds.), 1999
The best American science and nature writing 2015
Abrahamson, Jake; Bilger, Burkhard; Boneham, Sheila Webster; Boyle, Rebecca; Deming, Alison Hawthorne; Fink, Sheri; Folger, Tim; Gawande, Atul; Hamilton, Lisa M.; Jacobsen, Rowan; Jamison, Leslie; Jarvis, Brooke; Kean, Sam; Keith, Jourdan Imani; Kintisch, Eli; Kolbert, Elizabeth; Maxmen, Amy; Mnookin, Seth; Overbye, Dennis; Power, Matthew; Schweitzer, Sarah; Skloot, Rebecca; Specter, Michael; Subramanian, Meera; Todd, Kim; Wolman, David; Yeoman, Barry, 2015
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 11th International Conference, CAiSE"99 Heidelberg, Germany, June 14—18, 1999 Proceedings
Ivar Jacobsen (auth.), Matthias Jarke, Andreas Oberweis (eds.), 1999
Advancing Big Data Benchmarks: Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop Series on Big Data Benchmarking, WBDB.cn, Xi'an, China, July16-17, 2013 and WBDB.us, San José, CA, USA, October 9-10, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Tilmann Rabl, Nambiar Raghunath, Meikel Poess, Milind Bhandarkar, Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Chaitanya Baru (eds.), 2014
Watermelon Syrup: A Novel (Life Writing)
Annie Jacobsen, Jane Finlay-Young, Di Brandt, 2007
Methods and Applications of Inversion
Kim E. Andersen, Martin B. Hansen (auth.), Per Christian Hansen, Bo Holm Jacobsen, Klaus Mosegaard (eds.), 2000
Mechanisms in B-Cell Neoplasia 1988: Workshop at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA, March 23–25, 1988
D. G. Osmond, Y.-H. Park, K. Jacobsen (auth.), Michael Potter M.D., Prof. Dr. Fritz Melchers (eds.), 1988
Chasing Progress in the Irish Republic: Ideology, Democracy and Dependent Development
John Kurt Jacobsen, 1994
Sewer Processes: Microbial and Chemical Process Engineering of Sewer Networks
Thorkild Hvitved-Jacobsen, 2001
Thai Herbal Medicine
Jacobsen, Nephyr, 2014
A Geography of Oysters
Rowan Jacobsen, 2010
Interferone: Präklinische und klinische Befunde
H. Jacobsen (auth.), 1990
Mogens and Other Stories
J. P. (Jens Peter) Jacobsen, 1921
Niels Lyhne
Jens Peter Jacobsen, 2007