کتاب های Jan Norman

Winning a Future War: War Gaming and Victory in the Pacific
Norman Friedman, 2019
Liberal Democratic Theory and Its Critics
Norman Wintrop, 1983
The Blue Man and Other Stories of the Skin
Robert A. Norman, 2014
Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading
Donna E. Alvermann, Norman J. Unrau, Robert B. Ruddell (eds.), 2013
The Real Dad's Army: The Story of the Home Guard
Norman Longmate, 2016
Defending the Island: From Caesar to the Armada
Norman Longmate, 2001
Island Fortress: The Defence of Great Britain 1603-1945
Norman Longmate, 2001
Qualitative Inquiry and Social Justice: Toward a Politics of Hope
Norman K. Denzin, Michael D. Giardina, 2009
Qualitative Research and the Conservative Challenge: Confronting Methodological Fundamentalism
Norman K. Denzin, Michael D. Giardina, 2006
Rickover: Controversy and Genius: A Biography
Thomas B. Allen; Norman Polmar, 1982
When You Greet Me I Bow: Notes and Reflections from a Life in Zen
Norman Fischer, 2021
The Dawn of Amateur Radio in the U.K. And Greece: A Personal View
Norman F Joly, 1990
Physics: The Elements
Norman Robert Campbell, 1920
Literacy Across the Community: Research, Praxis, and Trends
Laurie A. Henry and Norman A. Stahl, 2020
CPD in the Built Environment
Greg Watts and Norman Watts, 2021
National Liberation: Revolution in the Third World
Norman Miller, Roderick Aya (editors), 1971
The Hebrew Bible-A Socio-Literary Introduction
Norman K. Gottwald, 1987
The Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction
Norman K. Gottwald, 1987
En pos del Milenio
Norman Cohn