کتاب های Jane Akre

Double Entry
Jane Gleeson-White
Elfabet - An ABC of Elves
Jane Yolen, 1997
Gossips, Gorgons and Crones: The Fates of the Earth
Jane Caputi, 1993
Refugees: Why seeking asylum is legal and Australia's policies are not
Jane McAdam, 2014
Better Than Bullet Points: Creating Engaging e-Learning with PowerPoint
Jane Bozarth, 2008
Sand, Water, Silence - The Embodiment of Spirit: Explorations in Matter and Psyche
Mary Jane Markell, 2002
Sand, Water, Silence - The Embodiment of Spirit: Explorations in Matter and Psyche
Mary Jane Markell, 2002
Dualisability: Unary Algebras and Beyond
Jane Pitkethly, 2005
Dualisability: Unary Algebras and Beyond (Advances in Mathematics)
Jane Pitkethly Brian Davey, 2005
Dickinson, strategies of limitation, Volume 3
Jane Donahue Eberwein
Eye level
Jane Shore, 1977
Jemima J: A Novel About Ugly Ducklings and Swans
Jane Green, 1999
Practical leadership for biopharmaceutical executives
Jane Y. Chin, 2011
Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Novel
Jane Smiley, 2005
Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook
David Werner Carol Thuman Jane Maxwell, 1992
Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen
Jane Hawking, 2013
New Asian Style Contemporary Tropical Living in Singapore
Jane Doughty Marsden, 2001
Jane Green, 2004
Jane Green, 2004
Willoughby's Return: A tale of almost irresistible temptation
Jane Odiwe, 2009
Prehistoric America: An ecological perspective
Betty Jane Meggers, 1979
Reality is broken: why games make us better and how they can change the world
Jane McGonigal, 2011