کتاب های Jane Chance

Black Male Teachers: Diversifying the United States' Teacher Workforce
Chance W. Lewis, Chance W. Lewis, Ivory Toldson, 2013
Siren’s Song (Cassandra Palmer Series)
Karen Chance [Chance, Karen], 2019
Tolkien the medievalist
Jane Chance, 2003
Tolkien’s Art: ‘A Mythology for England’
Jane Chance Nitzsche (auth.), 1979
Tolkien's Art: A Mythology for England
Jane Chance, 2001
Tolkien the Medievalist
Jane Chance (Editor), 2003
Lord of the Rings: The Mythology of Power
Jane Chance, 2010
Tolkien’s modern Middle Ages
Jane Chance, Alfred Kentigern Siewers, 2005
Tolkien, Self and Other
Jane Chance
Developing Students’ Statistical Reasoning: Connecting Research and Teaching Practice
Joan B. Garfield, Dani Ben-Zvi, Beth Chance, Elsa Medina, Cary Roseth, Andrew Zieffler (auth.), 2008
An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management
Don Chance, Robert Brooks, 2010
An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management: With Stock-Trak Coupon
Don M. Chance, Robert Brooks
Analysis Of Derivatives
Don M. Chance, 2003
Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program
Don M. Chance, 2002
Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program
Don M. Chance, 2002
Derivative Strategies for Managing Portfolio Risk
Keith C. Brown, Don M. Chance, Roger G. Clarke, Murali Ramaswami, Matthew R. Smith, Eric S. Reiner, Ira G. Kawaller, Robert W. Kopprasch, 1993
Jose Maria de Jesus Carvajal: The Life and Times of a Mexican Revolutionary
Joseph E. Chance, 2006
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management
Don M. Chance, 2009
The Revolution in Techniques for Managing Bond Portfolios
Darwin M. Bayston, Edward H. Ladd, H. Gifford Fong, William L. Nemerever, Michael R. Granito, Kenneth R. Meyer, Stephen A. Ross, Martin L. Leibowitz, Gary D. Chance, 1983
Hunt the Moon
Karen Chance, 2011