کتاب های Jane Cronin

Balfour’s Shadow: A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel
David Cronin, 2017
Raymond Brown, ’The Jews,’ and the Gospel of John: From Apologia to Apology
Sonya Shetty Cronin, Chris Keith, 2016
Art for Animals: Visual Culture and Animal Advocacy, 1870-1914
J Keri Cronin, 2018
Evidence-Based Emergency Imaging
Aine Kelly, Paul Cronin, Stefan Puig, Kimberly E. Applegate, 2018
Το πέρασμα
Justin Cronin [Τζάστιν Κρόνιν], 2010
Οι δώδεκα αιώνιοι
Justin Cronin [Τζάστιν Κρόνιν], 2013
Η πόλη των κατόπτρων
Justin Cronin [Τζάστιν Κρόνιν], 2016
The Citadel
A.J. Cronin, 1983
Polyoxometalate Chemistry
Rudi van Eldik and Leroy Cronin (Eds.), 2017
Through the Eye of the Tiger: The Rock ’n’ Roll Life of Survivor’s Founding Member
Jim Peterik, Lisa Torern, Kevin Cronin, Reo Speedwagon, 2014
Polyoxometalate Chemistry
Rudi van Eldik, Lee Cronin, 2017
The Florentine Renaissance
Vincent Cronin, 1967
Unity in Diversity: Recent Trends in Translation Studies
Lynne Bowker, Michael Cronin, Dorothy Kenny, Jennifer Pearson, 1998
Getting started in birdwatching
Edward W Cronin, 1986
Corporate Criminality and Liability for Fraud
Alison Cronin, 2018
Corporate Criminality And Liability For Fraud
Alison Cronin, 2018
Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene
Michael Cronin, 2017
The Portal How meditation can save the world
Tom Andrew Cronin, Jacqui Helen Fifer, 2019
Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology
Vincent S. Cronin (ed.), 2018
Dead as Doornails: A Memoir
Anthony Cronin, 2000
Power to the People: How Open Technological Innovation Is Arming Tomorrow’s Terrorists
Audrey Kurth Cronin, 2020
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics
Frederic S. Lee, Bruce Cronin, 2016
Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Dylan Howard; Melissa Cronin; James Robertson, 2019