کتاب های Jane Detweiler

Organic Writing Assessment: Dynamic Criteria Mapping in Action
Bob Broad, Linda Adler-Kassner, Barry Alford, Jane Detweiler, Heidi Estrem, Susanmarie Harrington, Maureen McBride, Eric Stalions, Scott Weeden, 2009
Making Working Wooden Locks (Woodworker's Library (Fresno, Calif.).)
Tim Detweiler, 2000
Gettysburg The Story of the Battle with Maps
M. David Detweiler, 2013
Selfies: Searching for the Image of God in a Digital Age
Craig Detweiler, 2018
QFS2020 - Quantum Financial System, Revaluation of Currencies
Ronald Giles, Nancy Detweiler, 2021
Finance Your Own Business: Get on the Financing Fast Track
Garrett Sutton, Gerri Detweiler, 2016