کتاب های Janet E. Mead (auth.)

Pathology Reviews • 1990
Nelson Fausto, Janet E. Mead (auth.), Emanuel Rubin MD, Ivan Damjanov MD (eds.), 1990
Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology (LANGE Basic Science)
Geo. F. Brooks Janet S. Butel Stephen A. Morse Geo. Brooks Janet Butel Stephen Morse, 2004
12 Monkeys
Elizabeth Hand & David Webb Peoples & Janet Peoples [Hand, Elizabeth & Peoples, David Webb & Peoples, Janet], 1995
New Frontiers in the Study of Gene Functions
George Khoury, Kamel Khalili, Janet Duvall (auth.), George Poste, Stanley T. Crooke (eds.), 1987
Animal Models — Disorders of Eating Behaviour and Body Composition
Molly S. Bray, David B. Allison (auth.), John B. Owen, Janet L. Treasure, David A. Collier (eds.), 2001
Public Speaking in the City: Debating and Shaping the Urban Experience
Janet Stewart (auth.), 2009
Handbook of Quantitative Forest Genetics
C. B. Talbert (auth.), Lauren Fins, Sharon T. Friedman, Janet V. Brotschol (eds.), 1992
Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene: The Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone Project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
Christopher J. Crossland, Dan Baird (auth.), Christopher J. Crossland, Hartwig H. Kremer, Han J. Lindeboom, Janet I. Marshall Crossland, Martin D. A. Le Tissier (eds.), 2005
Evolution of Resource-Rich Foreland and Intennontane Basins in Eastern Utah and Western Colorado: Salt Lake City, Utah to Grand Junction, Colorado, July 20-24, 1989
Karen J. Franczyk, Janet K. Pitman, William B. Cashion, Thomas D. Fouch, John R. Dyni, Ronald C. Johnson, Marjorie A. Chan(auth.)
Nuclear Medicine Technology: Review Questions for the Board Examinations
Karen Ramer, Eleanor Mantel, Janet S. Reddin, Gang Cheng, Abass Alavi (auth.), 2013
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International Conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28 – July 2011
Janet Metcalfe (auth.), Gautam Biswas, Susan Bull, Judy Kay, Antonija Mitrovic (eds.), 2011
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International Conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, June 28 – July 2011
Janet Metcalfe (auth.), Gautam Biswas, Susan Bull, Judy Kay, Antonija Mitrovic (eds.), 2011
Aesthetics and the Sociology of Art
Janet Wolff (auth.), 1993
Handbook on Crime and Deviance
Janet P. Stamatel (auth.), 2009
Handbook on Crime and Deviance
Janet P. Stamatel (auth.), 2009
Transformations in Medieval and Early-Modern Rights Discourse
Janet Coleman (auth.), 2006
Transformations in Medieval and Early-Modern Rights Discourse
Janet Coleman (auth.), 2006
Critical Systemic Praxis for Social and Environmental Justice: Participatory Policy Design and Governance for a Global Age
Janet McIntyre-Mills (auth.), 2003
Volume 1: Rescuing the Enlightenment from Itself: Critical and Systemic Implications for Democracy
Janet McIntyre-Mills (auth.), 2006
Truth, Politics, and Universal Human Rights
Janet Holl Madigan (auth.), 2007
The Social Production of Art
Janet Wolff (auth.), 1981
The Social Production of Art
Janet Wolff (auth.), 1993
Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Social Identity Through Workplace Interaction
Janet Holmes(auth.), 2007