کتاب های Jay Ruud

Myth and Reality
Stanley Mcchrystal; Jeff Eggers; Jay Mangone, 2018
Dreaming Wide Awake: Lucid Dreaming, Shamanic Healing, and Psychedelics
David Jay Brown, 2016
Avoid the Day: A New Nonfiction in Two Movements
Jay Kirk, 2020
Handbook of Pediatric Surgical Patient Care
Alan P Ladd, Frederick J Rescorla, Jay L Grosfeld (eds.), 2013
Borges and Me: An Encounter
Jay Parini, 2020
Guía de buenas prácticas para la Consulta Previa en las Américas
Jay Hartling (aut.); Eduardo Hoffmann; Lupe Andrade (trads.), 2017
Shooter's Bible, 110
Jay Cassell, 2018
The Corporation: Its History and Future
David Sarokin, Jay Schulkin, 2020
Guide to forensic pathology
Calaluce, Robert; Dix, Jay; Ernst, Mary Fran, 1999
The Amityville Horror
Jay Anson
Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day
Jay Shetty, 2020
A Peculiar Tribe of People: Murder and Madness in the Heart of Georgia
Richard Jay Hutto, 2011
The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe
Jay W. Richards; Ph.D.William M. Briggs; Ph.D.Douglas Axe, 2020
The Federalist Papers
John Jay and James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, 2020
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Beautified version)
Harold Abelson; Gerald Jay Sussman, 1996
Design Patterns by Tutorials (Third Edition): Learning Design Patterns in Swift
raywenderlich Tutorial Team, Joshua Greene, Jay Strawn, 2019
On My Honor: Boy Scouts and the Making of American Youth
Jay Mechling, 2001
Cornerstones of financial accounting
Jay S. Rich, 2018
Jumpstart Logic Pro X 10.5
Jay Asher, 2020
El Federalista
Alexander_ James y John Hamilton_ Madison y Jay
Jay S. Duker MD,Myron Yanoff MD, 2020