کتاب های Jay Winter

Statistics for Linguists: An Introduction Using R
UK.) Winter, Bodo (Lecturer in Cognitive Linguistics at the University of Birmingham, 2019
The ISIS Reader: Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement
Haroro J. Ingram, Craig Whiteside, Charlie Winter, 2020
Chess Explorations
Edward Winter, 1996
Chess Notes 2188-2461
Winter Edward, 2015
East African Chiefs: A Study of Political Development in Some Uganda and Tanganyika Tribes
Audrey I. Richards; John H. M. Beattie; Lloyd A. Fallers; Jean La Fontaine; John F. Middleton; Priscilla R. Reining; Aidan W. Southall; E. H. Winter, 1960
Timber Construction Manual (Construction Manuals (englisch))
Thomas Herzog, Julius Natterer, Roland Schweitzer, Michael Volz, Wolfgang Winter, 2000
Manual of Multistorey Timber Construction (Detail Construction Manuals)
Stefan Kaufmann, HermannKrötsch, StefanWinter, 2018
Constructing Nineteenth-Century Religion: Literary, Historical, and Religious Studies in Dialogue (Literature, Religion, & Postsecular Stud)
Joshua King, Winter Jade Werner, 2019
Lippincott's Microbiologia
Richard A. Harvey; Pamela C. Champe; Bruce D. Fisher; Sewell P. Champe; Florence Kimball; Donald Dublin; Harriet Rouse; William A. Strohl; Victor Stollar; William E. Winter; Michael Cooper, 2006
Communication in Vehicles: Cultural Variability in Speech Systems (De Gruyter Textbook)
Brion Van Over, Ute Winter, Elizabeth Molina-Markham, Sunny Lie, Donal Carbaugh, 2020
The Red Files
Lee Winter, 2015
Gesicht und Maske. Beiträge zu Physiognomie und Rollenspiel bei Karl May
Ingmar Winter, Günter Henkel, 1985
Jugendstilmotive bei Karl May
Ingmar Winter, 1986
Die Insel als Topos im Werk Karl Mays
Joachim Biermann, Ingmar Winter, 1988
Entdeckendes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht: Einblicke in die Ideengeschichte und ihre Bedeutung für die Pädagogik
Heinrich Winand Winter, 2015
La serva padrona
Jacopo Angelo Nelli, Susanne Winter (editor), 2015
La suocera e la nuora
Jacopo Angelo Nelli, Susanne Winter (editor), 2018
The Blind African Slave: Memoirs of Boyrereau Brinch, Nicknamed Jeffrey Brace
Jeffrey Brace, Kari J. Winter, Benjamin F. Prentiss, 2005
Aleppo and Its Hinterland in the Ottoman Period / Alep Et Sa Province À l'Epoque Ottomane Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia
Stefan Winter (Editor), Mafalda Ade (Editor)
Aleppo and Its Hinterland in the Ottoman Period / Alep et sa province à l’époque ottomane
Stefan Winter, Mafalda Ade, 2019