کتاب های Jean Bernard (auth.)

Intégration régionale, démocratie et panafricanisme: paradigmes anciens, nouveaux défis
Alexis B.A. Adandé; Fouad Soufi; Zahra Tamouh; Kangbai Konaté; Etanislas Ngodi; Kalilou Sylla; Bernard Founou-Tchuigoua; Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan, 2007
Quantum Field Theory
Claude Itzykson, Jean-Bernard Zuber, 1980
Moment-SOS Hierarchy, The: Lectures in Probability, Statistics, Computational Geometry, Control and Nonlinear Pdes (Optimization and Its Applications)
Didier Henrion, Milan Korda, Jean Bernard Lasserre, 2020
Chimie tout-en-un PC-PC* - 3e éd.
Jean-Bernard Baudin, Frédéric Lahitète, Bruno Fosset (editor)
Légères gourmandises : La cuisine minceur au fil des saisons
Patrice Demangel, Jean-Bernard Laffitte, 2007
Mathematics Going Forward. Collected Mathematical Brushstrokes
Jean-Michel Morel, Bernard Teissier, 2023![The Historical Present in Thucydides: Semantics and Narrative Function [Le présent historique chez Thucydide: Sémantique et fonction narrative]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/17/1703682-n.jpg)
The Historical Present in Thucydides: Semantics and Narrative Function [Le présent historique chez Thucydide: Sémantique et fonction narrative]
Jean Lallot, Albert Rijksbaron, Bernard Jacquinod and Michel Buijs, 2011
The Christoffel–Darboux Kernel for Data Analysis (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics)
Jean Bernard Lasserre, Edouard Pauwels, Mihai Putinar, 2022
Télécommunications et écoutes
Jean Bernard, 2007
Fouilles de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, année 1921-1923
Fernand Bisson de la Roque; Jacques Jean Clère; Bernard Bruyère; Étienne Drioton, 1924
Molecular Basis of Specificity in Nucleic Acid-Drug Interactions: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusalem, Israel, May 14–17, 1990
Andrew H.-J. Wang, Yen-Chywan Liaw (auth.), Bernard Pullman, Joshua Jortner (eds.), 1990
Advances in Mathematical Economics
Laura Angeloni, Bernard Cornet (auth.), Shigeo Kusuoka, Akira Yamazaki (eds.), 2006
Optical Absorption of Impurities and Defects in SemiconductingCrystals: 1. Hydrogen-like Centres
Bernard Pajot (auth.), 2010
Progress in Drug Research / Fortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung / Progrès des recherches pharmaceutiques
David R. Webb, Vijendra KR. Singh, H. Hugh Fudenberg, Roger W. Russell, L. Öhman, G. Maluszynska, K.-E. MAgnusson, O. Stendahl, Peter A. Lambert, David H. P. Streeten, Gunnar H. Anderson Jr, Vickram Ramkumar, George Pierson, Gary L. Stiles, Bernard Testa, Joachm M. Mayer, Duncan Stewart-Tull, Michael Williams, Gary L. Niel, Peter Hambleton, Stephen D. Prior, Andrew Robinson, Jed F. Fisher, Paul A. Aristoff (auth.), 1988
Biochemistry and Function of Vacuolar Adenosine-Triphosphatase in Fungi and Plants
R. K. Salyaev (auth.), Dr. Bernard P. Marin (eds.), 1985
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: 4th International Conference, AH 2006, Dublin, Ireland, June 21-23, 2006. Proceedings
Sean Bechhofer, Yeliz Yesilada, Bernard Horan, Carole Goble (auth.), Vincent P. Wade, Helen Ashman, Barry Smyth (eds.), 2006
Pseudo-Differential Operators: Quantization and Signals
Hans G. Feichtinger, Bernard Helffer, Michael P. Lamoureux, Nicolas Lerner, Joachim Toft (auth.), Luigi Rodino, M. W. Wong (eds.), 2008
Propriétés Spectrales des Algèbres de Banach
Prof. Dr. Bernard Aupetit (auth.), 1979
Economic Aspects of Digital Information Technologies
Bernard Michael Gilroy (auth.), Dr. Thomas Gries, Dr. Leena Suhl (eds.), 1999
Multinational Enterprises, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Africa: South African Perspectives
B. M. Gilroy, T. Gries, W. Naudé (auth.), Prof. Dr. Bernard Michael Gilroy, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Prof. Dr. Willem A. Naudé (eds.), 2005
Basale Soziologie: Hauptprobleme
Prof. Dr. Horst Reimann, Prof. Dr. Bernard Giesen, Prof. Dr. Dieter Goetze, Dr. Klaus Kiefer, Prof. Dr. Peter Meyer, Prof. Dr. Claus Mühlfeld, Prof. Dr. Michael Schmid (auth.), 1991
Bone Regulatory Factors: Morphology, Biochemistry, Physiology, and Pharmacology
Edward D. Eanes (auth.), Antonio Pecile, Benedetto de Bernard (eds.), 1990
Advances in GIScience: Proceedings of the 12th AGILE Conference
Martin Tomko, Friedjoff Trautwein, Ross S. Purves (auth.), Prof. Monika Sester, Prof. Lars Bernard, Prof. Volker Paelke (eds.), 2009
Advances in GIScience: Proceedings of the 12th AGILE Conference
Martin Tomko, Friedjoff Trautwein, Ross S. Purves (auth.), Prof. Monika Sester, Prof. Lars Bernard, Prof. Volker Paelke (eds.), 2009