کتاب های Jean Fran Viel

The Quantum Mechanics Solver. How to Apply Quantum Theory to Modern Physics
Jean-Louis Basdevant, Jean Dalibard, 2005
The quantum mechanics solver: how to apply quantum theory to modern physics
Jean-Louis Basdevant, Jean Dalibard, 2000
The quantum mechanics solver: how to apply quantum theory to modern physics
Jean-Louis Basdevant, Jean Dalibard, 2006
The Quantum Mechanics Solver: How to Apply Quantum Theory to Modern Physics
Professor Jean-Louis Basdevant, Professor Jean Dalibard (auth.), 2000
The Expanding Cell
Jean-Pierre Verbelen, Kris Vissenberg (auth.), Jean-Pierre Verbelen, Kris Vissenberg (eds.), 2007
Introduction au raisonnement mathématique - logique et théorie des ensembles
Jean-Claude Dupin, Jean-Luc Valein
A Pyramid Framework for Early Vision: Multiresolutional Computer Vision
Jean-Michel Jolion, Azriel Rosenfeld (auth.), Jean-Michel Jolion, Azriel Rosenfeld (eds.), 1994
Eurock 2006: Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics: Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, Liège, Belgium, 9-12 May 2006
Alain van Cotthem (ed.), Robert Charlier (ed.), Jean-Francois Thimus (ed.), Jean-Pierre Tshibangu (ed.), 2006
An Optimized Translation Process and Its Application to ALGOL 68
Paul Branquart, Jean-Pierre Cardinael, Johan Lewi, Jean-Paul Delescaille, Michael Vanbegin (auth.), 1976
An Optimized Translation Process and Its Application to ALGOL 68
Paul Branquart, Jean-Pierre Cardinael, Johan Lewi, Jean-Paul Delescaille, Michael Vanbegin (auth.), 1976
30 fiches pour réussir les épreuves de français concours catégories B et C
Jean-François Guédon, Jean-Pierre Colin
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Including Reconstruction of the Nose
Dr. Rodolphe Meyer, Dr. Jean-Claude Berset, Dr. Jean-François Emeri, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Daniel Simmen (auth.), 2002
Speaking of Apes: A Critical Anthology of Two-Way Communication with Man
Jean Umiker-Sebeok, Thomas A. Sebeok (auth.), Thomas A. Sebeok, Jean Umiker-Sebeok (eds.), 1980
CompTIA A+ 2009 In Depth
Jean (Jean Andrews) Andrews, 2009
Classical and Modern Control with Worked Examples
Jean-Pierre Elloy, Jean-Marie Piasco, M. G. Singh, H. Akashi, 1981
Nombres complexes, polynômes et fractions rationnelles - Exercices corrigés ave rappels de cours
Jean-Jacques COLIN et Jean-Marie MORVAN, 2011
Basic Concepts for Simple and Complex Liquids
Jean-Louis Barrat Jean-Pierre Hansen, 2003
Handicap et Famille. Approche neuro-systemique et lesions cerebrales
Jean Michel Mazaux, Jean-Marc Destaillats, Christian Belio, 2011
The Quantum Mechanics Solver: How to Apply Quantum Theory to Modern Physics, Second Edition
Jean-Louis Basdevant Jean Dalibard, 2005
Los objetos singulares Arquitectura y filosofia (Coleccion Popular (Fondo de Cultura Economica)) (Spanish Edition)
Baudrillard Jean y Jean Nouvel, 2000
Cognitive Biases
Jean-Paul Caverni, Jean-Marc Fabre, 1990
Real and complex singularities: Sao Carlos Workshop 2004
Jean-Paul Brasselet, Jean-Paul Brasselet, 2007
Thorium Energy for the World: Proceedings of the ThEC13 Conference, CERN, Globe of Science and Innovation, Geneva, Switzerland, October 27-31, 2013
Jean-Pierre Revol, Maurice Bourquin, Yacine Kadi, Egil Lillestol, Jean-Christophe de Mestral, Karel Samec (eds.), 2016
Normal and Abnormal Fetal Face Atlas: Ultrasonographic Features
Jean-Marc Levaillant, Jean-Philippe Bault, Bernard Benoit, Gérard Couly (auth.), 2017