کتاب های Jean Michel Bony

Bioinformatics For Dummies
Jean-Michel Claverie Ph. D., Cedric Notredame Ph.D., 2006
Orientation et insertion professionnelle : 75 Concepts cles
Jean Guichard, Michel Huteau, Collectif
La fille du templier
Jean-Michel Thibaux, 2011
1830-1930: A Century of Geometry: Epistemology, History and Mathematics (Lecture Notes in Physics) (English and French Edition)
Luciano Boi, Dominique Flament, Jean-Michel Salanskis, 1992
Algorithmique: Exercices corrigés posés à l'oral du concours d'entrée à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Luc Bouge, Claire Kenyon, Jean-Michel Muller, Yves Robert, 1998
Control and nonlinearity
Jean-Michel Coron, 2007
Continence: Current Concepts and Treatment Strategies
Gopal Badlani, G. Willy Davila, Martin C. Michel, Jean J. M. C. H. Rosette, 2008
A theory of shape identification
Frédéric Cao, José-Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur (auth.), 2008
A Theory of Shape Identification
Frédéric Cao, José-Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur (auth.), 2008
A Theory of Shape Identification
Frédéric Cao, José-Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur (auth.), 2008
Models of Visuospatial Cognition (Counterpoints: Cognition, Memory, and Language)
Manuel de Vega, Margaret Jean Intons-Peterson, Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Michel Denis, Marc Marschark, 1996
A history of algorithms: from the pebble to the microchip
Jean-Luc Chabert, C. Weeks, E. Barbin, J. Borowczyk, J.-L. Chabert, M. Guillemot, A. Michel-Pajus, A. Djebbar, J.-C. Martzloff, 1999
A History of Algorithms: From the Pebble to the Microchip
Jean-Luc Chabert, C. Weeks, E. Barbin, J. Borowczyk, J.-L. Chabert, M. Guillemot, A. Michel-Pajus, A. Djebbar, J.-C. Martzloff, 1999
Variational methods in image segmentation: with seven image processing experiments
Jean-Michel Morel, Sergio Solimini, 1994
Micromechanics of Granular Materials
Bernard Cambou, Michel Jean, 2009
Advances in Object-Oriented Information Systems: OOIS 2002 Workshops Montpellier, France, September 2, 2002 Proceedings
Marianne Huchard, Hernan Astudillo, Petko Valtchev (auth.), Jean-Michel Bruel, Zohra Bellahsene (eds.), 2002
La chimie et l'art, le génie au service de l'homme
Christian Amatore, Anne Bouquillon, Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Rose Agnès Jacquesy, Koen Janssens, Jean-Claude Lehmann, Michel Menu, Marc Thébault, Bernard Valeur et Philippe Walter, Minh-Thu Dinh-Audouin, Rose Agnès Jacquesy, Danièle Olivier, Paul Rigny, 2010
Elementary functions: algorithms and implementation
Jean-Michel Muller, 1997
Elementary Functions: Algorithms and Implementation
Jean-Michel Muller, 2005
Elementary Functions: Algorithms and Implementation
Jean-Michel Muller, 2005
Elementary Functions: Algorithms and Implementation
Jean-Michel Muller, 2005
Elementary Functions: Algorithms and Implementation
Jean-Michel Muller (auth.), 2006
Elementary Functions:: Algorithms and Implementation
Jean-Michel Muller, 1997
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic
Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brisebarre, Florent de Dinechin, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Vincent Lefèvre, Guillaume Melquiond, Nathalie Revol, Damien Stehlé, Serge Torres (auth.), 2010