کتاب های Jean Pierre Dal Pont

Plotin sau simplitatea privirii
Pierre Hadot, 1998
Plotin sau simplitatea privirii
Pierre Hadot, 1998
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie antique?
Pierre Hadot, 1995
The Veil of Isis: An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature
By Pierre Hadot. Translated by Michael Chase, 2008
What Is Ancient Philosophy?
Pierre Hadot, 2004
The Collaborators (French Literature Series)
Pierre Siniac, 2010
Haitians in New York City: Transnationalism and Hometown Associations
François Pierre-Louis Jr., 2006
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
Pierre Bonami, 2012
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
Pierre Bonami, 2012
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
Pierre Bonami, 2012
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
Pierre Bonami, 2012
La France à travers ses valeurs
Pierre Bréchon, 2009
Five Point Touch Therapy: Acupressure for the Emotional Body
Pierre-Noël Delatte M.D., 2013
Le Commentaire littéraire, Bac français séries L, ES, S
Pierre Présumey, 1998
Corporate Finance
Pierre Vernimmen, 2009
Computer Science and Educational Software Design: A Resource for Multidisciplinary Work in Technology Enhanced Learning
Pierre Tchounikine (auth.), 2011
Les liaisons dangereuses
Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, 1998
What is property?: an inquiry into the principle of right and of government
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, 1970
Nanostructured Silicon-based Powders and Composites
Andre Pierre Legrand, 2003
Dysmorphies Maxillo-mandibulaires. Traitement orthodontico-chirurgical
Pierre Canal, 2011