کتاب های Jean Wong

Current Issues in Cosmology
Jean-Claude Pecker, Jayant Narlikar, 2006
Current Issues in Cosmology
Jean-Claude Pecker, Jayant Narlikar, 2006
Gravitation And Cosmology - From The Hubble Radius To The Planck Scale
Richard L. Amoroso, Geoffrey Hunter, Menas Kafatos and Jean-Pierre Vigier, 2002
Acoustic Particle Velocity Measurements Using Laser. Principles, Signal Processing and Applications
Jean-Christophe Valière, 2014
Acoustic Particle Velocity Measurements Using Laser: Principles, Signal Processing and Applications
Jean-Christophe Vali?re, 2014
Lonely Planet France
Lonely Planet, Nicola Williams, Oliver Berry, Stuart Butler, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Kerry Christiani, Gregor Clark, Emilie Filou, Catherine Le Nevez, Daniel Robinson, 2015
Bonding and Charge Distribution in Polyoxometalates: A Bond Valence Approach
K. H. Tytko, J. Mehmke, D. Kurad (auth.), Prof. Allen J. Bard, Prof. Ian G. Dance, Prof. Peter Day FRS, Prof. James A. Ibers, Prof. Toyohi Kunitake, Prof. Thomas J. Meyer, Prof. D. Michael P. Mingos, Prof. Herbert W. Roesky, Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Prof. Arndt Simon, Prof. Fred Wudl (eds.), 1999
Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000 Taipei, Taiwan, December 18–20, 2000 Proceedings
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat (auth.), Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, Jan van Leeuwen, D. T. Lee, Shang-Hua Teng (eds.), 2000
Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000 Taipei, Taiwan, December 18–20, 2000 Proceedings
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat (auth.), Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, Jan van Leeuwen, D. T. Lee, Shang-Hua Teng (eds.), 2000
Applications of ATILA FEM software to smart materials: Case studies in designing devices
Kenji Uchino, Jean-Claude Debus, 2013
A theory of shape identification
Frédéric Cao, José-Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur (auth.), 2008
A Theory of Shape Identification
Frédéric Cao, José-Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur (auth.), 2008
A Theory of Shape Identification
Frédéric Cao, José-Luis Lisani, Jean-Michel Morel, Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur (auth.), 2008
An Enchanted Season
Maggie Shayne, Erin McCarthy, Nalini Singh, Jean Johnson
Applying Generalizability Theory using EduG (Quantitative Methodology Series)
Jean Cardinet, Sandra Johnson, Gianreto Pini, 2009
Arranging the meal : a history of table service in France
Jean-Louis Flandrin, Julie E. Johnson, Beatrice Fink, 2007
Decision and Game Theory for Security: Third International Conference, GameSec 2012, Budapest, Hungary, November 5-6, 2012. Proceedings
Benjamin Johnson, Pascal Schöttle, Rainer Böhme (auth.), Jens Grossklags, Jean Walrand (eds.), 2012
Der Kuss des Wolfes (Roman)
Jean Johnson, 2009
Die Söhne der Insel (Roman)
Jean Johnson, 2009
Elemental Magic
Sharon Shinn, Rebecca York, Carol Berg, Jean Johnson, 2007
Evolution, Games, and God: The Principle of Cooperation
Martin A. Nowak, Sarah Coakley, Johan Almenberg, John Hedley Brooke, Philip Clayton, Heather D. Curtis, Thomas Dixon, Anna Dreber, Justin C. Fisher, Ned Hall, Christoph Hauert, Marc D. Hauser, Timothy P. Jackson, Dominic D. P. Johnson Alistair Buchan, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Maurice Lee, Friedrich Lohmann, Jean Porter, Alexander Pruss, Michael Rota, Jeffrey P. Schloss, 2013
Finding Destiny
Jean Johnson, 2011
Living Gender After Communism
Janet Elise Johnson, Jean C. Robinson, 2006
Mentoring Across Boundaries: Helping Beginning Teachers Succeed in Challenging Situation
Jean Boreen, Donna Niday, Mary K. Johnson, 2003