کتاب های Jean Yves

Place et rôle de la communication dans le développement international
Jean-Paul Lafrance, Anne-Marie Laulan, Carmen Rico De Sotelo
Design of Microwave Active Devices
Jean-Luc Gautier, 2014
Microprocessor Architecture: From Simple Pipelines to Chip Multiprocessors
Jean-Loup Baer, 2009
Bio-inspired Flying Robots Experimental Synthesis of Autonomous Indoor Flyers
Jean-Christophe Zufferey, 2008
Flexibility and Robustness in Scheduling (Control Systems, Robotics and Manufacturing)
Jean-Charles Billaut, Aziz Moukrim, Eric Sanlaville, 2008
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics II
Joaquim Filipe, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Juan A. Cetto, Marina Carvalho, 2007
Nanoscale Microwave Engineering: Optical Control of Nanodevices
Charlotte Tripon-Canseliet, Jean Chazelas, 2014
Robot Motion Planning and Control
Jean-Paul Laumond, 1998
EMC of Analog Integrated Circuits
Jean-Michel Redouté, Michiel Steyaert (auth.), 2010
Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis 2
Jean-Charles Pinoli, 2014
Food Styling for Photographers: A Guide to Creating Your Own Appetizing Art
Linda Bellingham, Jean Ann Bybee, 2008
Freedom From Want: The Human Right To Adequate Food
George Kent, Jean Ziegler, 2005
Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer
Jean-Jacques Greffet (auth.), Sebastian Volz (eds.), 2007
Microdrops and Digital Microfluidics
Jean Berthier, 2008
Barry Bresnihan, Jean-Michel Dayer, 2001
S-Boote German E-Boats in action 1939-45
Jean Dallies-Labourdette
Charles Bargue Drawing Course: With the Collaboration of Jean-Léon Gérôme
Charles Bargue, Jean Léon Gérôme, 2003
Fables de La Fontaine
La Fontaine, Jean de; Doré, Gustave, 1868
Cinema: The Archaeology of Film and the Memory of A Century (Talking Images)
Jean-Luc Godard, Youssef Ishaghpour, 2005
Entre littérature et cinéma: Les affinités électives
Jean Cléder, 2012
Histoire du cinema francais
Jean-Pierre Jeancolas, 1999
Architecture de reseau
Bernard Tuy, Jean-Paul Gautier
Architecture of Italy
Jean Castex, 2008
Le son multicanal - De la production à la diffusion du son 5.1, 3D et binaural: De la production a la diffusion du son 5.1, 3D et binaural
Bergame Périaux, Jean-Luc Ohl, Patrick Thévenot, 2015