کتاب های Jeff E. Biddle

Amazing Flying Objects
Steve Biddle, Sydney Biddle Barrows, 1991
The Anglo-Saxon minsters of Winchester.
Alexander R. Rumble; Martin Biddle; Michael Lapidge; Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle
A companion to the history of economic thought
Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, John B. Davis, 2003
Economics Broadly Considered: Essays in Honour of Warren J. Samuels (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)
Jeff E. Biddle, John C. Davis, 2001
English, Irish and Subversives among the Dismal Scientists
Noel W. Thompson; Nigel F. B. Allington; Ross B. Emmett; Jeff E. Biddle; Marianne Johnson, 2010
A Treatise on the Construction Rigging
Tyrrel E. Biddle, 1883
The Corinthian yachtsman or hints on yachting
Tyrrel E. Biddle, 2008
Tasting freedom : Octavius Catto and the battle for equality in Civil War America
Catto, Octavius V.; McMullen, William; Biddle, Daniel R.; McMullen, William; Dubin, Murray; Catto, Octavius V, 2010
The Unacknowledged Disaster: Youth Poverty and Educational Failure in America
Bruce J. Biddle (auth.), 2014
Comparative, Maternal, and Epidemiologic Aspects
F. G. Biddle, 1977
Things to Make in the Holidays
Steve Biddle, 1989
Psychology of Physical Activity: Determinants, Well-Being and Interventions
Stuart J.H. Biddle, 2007
Psychology of Physical Activity: Determinants, Well-Being and Interventions
Stuart J. H. Biddle, 2015
Music, Masculinity and the Claims of History
Ian Biddle, 2011
Tasting Freedom: Octavius Catto and the Battle for Equality in Civil War America
Daniel R. Biddle, 2010
Composing Qualitative Research
Karen Golden-Biddle, 2006
A Field Guide to Germs, Revised and Updated Edition
Wayne Biddle, 2002
Pests and Diseases of Peas and Beans: A Colour Handbook
Anthony Biddle, 2007
Pests, diseases, and disorders of peas and beans : a color handbook
AJ Biddle, [2007]