کتاب های Jeffrey Bell

Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking
Jeffrey Johnson, Andrzej Nowak, Paul Ormerod, Bridget Rosewell, Yi-Cheng Zhang (eds.), 2017
Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction?: Looking Over the Long Run
Luis Bértola, Jeffrey Williamson (eds.), 2017
Self-Aware Computing Systems
Samuel Kounev, Jeffrey O. Kephart, Aleksandar Milenkoski, Xiaoyun Zhu (eds.), 2017
Medien-Arbeit im Wandel: Theorie und Empirie zur Arbeit mit und in Medien
Jeffrey Wimmer, Maren Hartmann (eds.), 2016
Grey Data Analysis : Methods, Models and Applications
Sifeng Liu, Yingjie Yang, Jeffrey Forrest (auth.), 2017
Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Jeffrey Fleisher, 2015
Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Jeffrey Fleisher, 2015
Self-Aware Computing Systems
Samuel Kounev and Jeffrey O. Kephart, 2017
Unifying psychotherapy : principles, methods, and evidence from clinical science
Jeffrey J Magnavita; Jack C Anchin, 2014
Zwischen Integration und Diversifikation: Medien und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt im digitalen Zeitalter
Olaf Jandura, Manuel Wendelin, Marian Adolf, Jeffrey Wimmer (eds.), 2017
Religion, Culture, and the Public Sphere in China and Japan
Albert Welter, Jeffrey Newmark (eds.), 2017
Global and Local Knowledge: Glocal Transatlantic Public-Private Partnerships for Research and Technological Development
Elias G. Carayannis, Jeffrey M. Alexander (auth.), 2006
Social Entrepreneurship
Johanna Mair, Jeffrey Robinson, Kai Hockerts (eds.), 2006
China in the 21st century : what everyone needs to know
Cunningham, Maura Elizabeth; Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N, 2013
Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
Jeffrey B. Halter, Joseph G. Ouslander, Mary Tinetti, Stephanie Studenski, Kevin P. High, Sanjay Asthana, 2009
RadCases head and neck imaging
Gaurang Vrindavan Shah, Jeffrey Robert Wesolowski, Jeanie Choi, Elliott Friedman, 2016
Neurodegenerative diseases : unifying principles
Cummings, Jeffrey L.; Pillai, Jagan, 2017
On being a therapist
Kottler, Jeffrey A, 2017
Peripheral nerve and muscle disease
Cohen, Jeffrey Alan; Lawson, Victoria H.; Mowchun, Justin; Robbins, Nathaniel M, 2017
Robert Holcot
Slotemaker, John Thomas; Witt, Jeffrey C, 2016
Sir Charles Bell : his life, art, neurological concepts, and controversial legacy
Aminoff, Michael Jeffrey, 2017
The Shadow of Unfairness: A Plebeian Theory of Liberal Democracy
Green, Jeffrey Edward, 2016
When life strikes the president : scandal, death, and illness in the White House
Engel, Jeffrey A.; Knock, Thomas J, 2017