کتاب های Jeffrey Rosen

Atlas of Surgical Techniques for the Upper GI Tract and Small Bowel: A Volume in the Surgical Techniques Atlas Series
Jeffrey Ponsky MD, Michael Rosen MD, 2009
Constitution 3.0: Freedom and Technological Change
Jeffrey Rosen, 2011
Harwood-Nuss’ Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine
Allan B. Wolfson, Robert L. Cloutier, Gregory W. Hendey, Louis J. Ling, Carlo L. Rosen, Jeffrey J. Schaider (editors), 2014
Privacy, Property, and Free Speech: Law and the Constitution in the 21st Century
Jeffrey Rosen, 2012
Musculoskeletal examination
Elaine Rosen; Joseph Fetto; Jeffrey M. Gross, 2016
Louis D. Brandeis: American Prophet
Jeffrey Rosen, 2016