کتاب های Jesús Gil

Advances in Efficiency and Productivity
Juan Aparicio, C. A. Knox Lovell, Jesus T. Pastor (eds.), 2016
Queer aging : the gayby boomers and a new frontier for gerontology
Ramirez-Valles, Jesus, 2016
Jesús Carrasco, 2015
Current Trends in Wildlife Research
Rafael Mateo, Beatriz Arroyo, Jesus T. Garcia (eds.), 2016
Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications: 5th International Symposium, COPA 2016, Madrid, Spain, April 20-22, 2016, Proceedings
Alexander Gammerman, Zhiyuan Luo, Jesús Vega, Vladimir Vovk (eds.), 2016
Cáncer de próstata : Guías prácticas en urología
Angulo Cuesta, Javier; Casado, Jesús Salinas, 2014
Dinero, crédito bancario y ciclos económicos
Jesús Huerta de Soto, 2013
Algebraic and Analytic Geometry of Fans
Carlos Andradas, Jesus M. Ruiz, 1995
On the Connection between Weighted Norm Inequalities, Commutators and
Jesus Bastero, Mario Milman, Francisco J. Ruiz, 2001
The World Told and the World Shown: Multisemiotic Issues
Eija Ventola, Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro (eds.), 2009
Foliations: Dynamics, Geometry and Topology
Masayuki Asaoka, Aziz El Kacimi Alaoui, Steven Hurder, Ken Richardson, Jesús Álvarez López, Marcel Nicolau, 2014
Image, Video and 3D Data Registration: Medical, Satellite and Video Processing Applications with Quality Metrics
Vasileios Argyriou, Jesus Martinez Del Rincon, Barbara Villarini, Alexis Roche, 2015
Pattern Recognition: 7th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2015, Mexico City, Mexico, June 24-27, 2015, Proceedings
Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, José Francisco Martínez-Trinidad, Juan Humberto Sossa-Azuela, José Arturo Olvera López, Fazel Famili, 2015
Pattern Recognition: 8th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2016, Guanajuato, Mexico, June 22-25, 2016. Proceedings
José Francisco Martínez-Trinidad, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, Victor Ayala Ramírez, José Arturo Olvera-López, Xiaoyi Jiang, 2016
Separably Injective Banach Spaces
Antonio Avilés, Félix Cabello Sánchez, Jesús M.F. Castillo, Manuel González, Yolanda Moreno, 2016
Occupying Space in American Literature and Culture: Static Heroes, Social Movements and Empowerment
Ana M. Manzanas, Jesús Benito, 2014
Smart Cities: Applications, Technologies, Standards, and Driving Factors
Stan McClellan, Jesus A. Jimenez, George Koutitas (eds.), 2018
Memory Frictions in Contemporary Literature
María Jesús Martínez-Alfaro, Silvia Pellicer-Ortín (eds.), 2017
Future and Emerging Trends in Language Technology. Machine Learning and Big Data: Second International Workshop, FETLT 2016, Seville, Spain, November 30 –December 2, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
José F Quesada, Francisco-Jesús Martín Mateos , Teresa López Soto (eds.), 2017
Ensembles of Type 2 Fuzzy Neural Models and their Optimization with Bio-inspired Algorithms for Time Series Prediction
Jesus Soto, Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, 2018
Quien Puede Hacer que Amanezca?
Anthony de Mello, Jesus Garcia-Abril, 1985
Automatismos eléctricos, neumáticos e hidráulicos
Florencio Jesús Cembranos Nistal, 2002
Franco: A Personal and Political Biography
Stanley G. Payne, Jesús Palacios, 2014
Data Science and Analytics with Python
Jesus Rogel-Salazar, 2017