کتاب های Jie Wang (editor)

Hieronymus. Biblia Sacra Vulgata Lateinisch-deutsch. Band IV Isaias – Hieremias – Baruch – Hiezechiel – Danihel – XII Prophetae – Maccabeorum
Michael Fieger (editor), Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (editor), Andreas Beriger (editor), 2018
Dianoemata. Kleine Schriften zu Platon und zum Platonismus
Annette Hüffmeier (editor), Marie-Luise Lakmann (editor), Matthias Vorwerk (editor), Matthias Baltes, 1999
Bodies of Truth: Personal Narratives on Illness, Disability, and Medicine
Dinty W. Moore (editor), Erin Murphy (editor), Renée K. Nicholson (editor), 2019
The Metaphorical Use of Language in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature
Renate Egger-Wenzel (editor), Jeremy Corley (editor), Nuria Calduch-Benages (editor), 2015
Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt: Vol. II. Libri XXVI - XXXI
Wolfgang Seyfarth (editor), L. Jacob-Karau (editor), I. Ulmann (editor), 1999
Plutarchus: Moralia. Volume V/Fasc 1
Kurt Hubert (editor), Max Pohlenz (editor), Hans Drexler (editor), 2001
Political, Economic And Social Dimensions Of Labour Markets: A Global Insight
Soon Beng Chew (editor), Lingli Huang (editor), Kai Xiang Kwa (editor), 2022
Hieronymus. Biblia Sacra Vulgata. Lateinisch-deutsch Band III Psalmi – Proverbia – Ecclesiastes – Canticum canticorum – Sapientia – Iesus Sirach
Michael Fieger (editor), Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (editor), Andreas Beriger (editor), 2018
The New Testament in Antiquity and Byzantium: Traditional and Digital Approaches to its Texts and Editing. A Festschrift for Klaus Wachtel
H.A.G. Houghton (editor), David C. Parker (editor), Holger Strutwolf (editor), 2019
Religion als Phänomen: Sozialwissenschaftliche, theologische und philosophische Erkundungen in der Lebenswelt
Wolf-Eckart Failing (editor), Hans-Günter Heimbrock (editor), Thomas A. Lotz (editor), 2001
Vom Amt des Laien in Kirche und Theologie: Festschrift für Gerhard Krause zum 70. Geburtstag
Gustaf Wingren (editor), Thoma Clemens (editor), Antonius H. Gunneweg (editor), 1982
Beyond Priesthood: Religious Entrepreneurs and Innovators in the Roman Empire
Richard L. Gordon (editor), Georgia Petridou (editor), Jörg Rüpke (editor), 2017
Plutarchus, Moralia: Volume III
W. Paton (editor), Max Pohlenz (editor), S. Sieveking (editor), 2001
Reading Roman Declamation: The Declamations Ascribed to Quintilian
Martin T. Dinter (editor), Charles Guérin (editor), Marcos Martinho (editor), 2016
Hieronymus. Biblia Sacra Vulgata. Band I Genesis – Exodus – Leviticus – Numeri – Deuteronomium
Michael Fieger (editor), Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (editor), Andreas Beriger (editor), 2018
Three Essays on Linguistic Diversity in the Spanish-Speaking World: The U.S. Southwest and the River Plate Area
Jacob Ornstein-Galicia (editor), Frederick Gerald Hensey (editor), David William Foster (editor), 1975
Advances in Guidance, Navigation and Control: Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control
Liang Yan (editor), Haibin Duan (editor), Yimin Deng (editor), 2023
Griechische Kleinepik. Griechisch - deutsch
Manuel Baumbach (editor), Horst Sitta (editor), Fabian Zogg (editor), 2019
Photosynthesis in Action: Harvesting Light, Generating Electrons, Fixing Carbon
Alexander Ruban (editor), Christine Foyer (editor), Erik Murchie (editor), 2022
Spaces of Crisis and Critique: Heterotopias Beyond Foucault
Anthony Faramelli (editor), David Hancock (editor), Robert G. White (editor), 2018
Personal Project Pursuit: Goals, Action, and Human Flourishing
Brian R. Little (editor), Katariina Salmela-Aro (editor), Susan D. Phillips (editor), 2006
Wittgenstein's Remarks on Frazer
Lars Albinus (editor), Josef G. F. Rothhaupt (editor), Aidan Seery (editor), 2016
Myriobiblos: Essays on Byzantine Literature and Culture
Sofia Kotzabassi (editor), Theodora Antonopoulou (editor), Marina Loukaki (editor), 2015
Mark and Paul: Comparative Essays Part II. For and Against Pauline Influence on Mark
Eve-Marie Becker (editor), Troels Engberg-Pedersen (editor), Mogens Mueller (editor), 2014