کتاب های Jim Corrigan

Plato's Dialectic at Play: Argument, Structure, and Myth in the Symposium
Kevin Corrigan, Elena Glazov-Corrigan, Elena Corrigan, 2004
American Cinema of the 2000s: Themes and Variations
Professor Timothy Corrigan, Professor Timothy Corrigan, Anna Everett, Professor Sharon Willis, Professor Thomas Schatz, Linda Williams, Professor Dina Smith, Professor Bob Rehak, Professor Nora Alter, Professor Nigel Morris, Professor Karen Beckman, Dana Polan, 2012
Plato's Parmenides and Its Heritage, Volume 1: History and Interpretation from the Old Academy to Later Platonism and Gnosticism
John Douglas Turner, Kevin Corrigan (editors), 2010
Plato's Parmenides and Its Heritage, Volume 2: Its Reception in Neoplatonic, Jewish, and Christian Texts
John Douglas Turner, Kevin Corrigan (editors), 2010
The dressed society: clothing, the body and some meanings of the world
Peter Corrigan, 2008
35 Seasons of U.S. Antarctic Meteorites (1976-2010): A Pictorial Guide To The Collection
Kevin Righter, Catherine Corrigan, Timothy McCoy, Ralph Harvey, 2014
The Future in Learning Science: What’s in it for the Learner?: What’s in it for the Learner?
Deborah Corrigan, 2015
The Professional Knowledge Base of Science Teaching
Deborah Corrigan, 2011
Data Protection for Photographers: A Guide to Storing and Protecting Your Valuable Digital Assets
Patrick H. Corrigan, 2014
Essential Forensic Pathology: Core Studies and Exercises
Gilbert Corrigan, 2012
Essentials of forensic pathology : core studies and exercises
Gilbert Edward Corrigan, 2012
Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation: An Empirical Approach
Patrick W. Corrigan PsyD, 2007
The Sociology of Consumption: An Introduction
Dr Peter Corrigan, 1997
The Great Arch: English State Formation As Cultural Revolution
Philip Corrigan, 1985
Valuing Assessment in Science Education: Pedagogy, Curriculum, Policy
Deborah Corrigan, 2013
Evagrius and Gregory
Kevin Corrigan, 2009
Gnosticism, Platonism and the Late Ancient World: Essays in Honour of John D. Turner
Kevin Corrigan, 2013
Plato's Dialectic at Play: Argument, Structure, and Myth in the Symposium
Kevin Corrigan, 2004