کتاب های Joe Roman

Spatial Evolutionary Modeling (Spatial Information Systems)
Roman M. Krzanowski, 2001
Asymmetric Continuum: Extreme Processes in Solids and Fluids
Roman Teisseyre, 2014
Dynamics of the Earth's Evolution
Roman Teisseyre, L. Czechowski, 1993
Gravity and Low-Frequency Geodynamics
Roman Teisseyre (Eds.), 1989
Physics of Asymmetric Continuum: Extreme and Fracture Processes (Springer 2008)
Roman Teisseyre, 2008
FL Studio in Use
Roman Petelin, 2005
Communism and Nationalism: Karl Marx Versus Friedrich List
Roman Szporluk, 1988
Writing Excel Macros with VBA,
Steven Roman, 2002
Writing Excel Macros with VBA
Steven Roman, 2002
Writing Excel Macros with VBA
Steven Roman, 2002
Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition
Steven Roman, 2002
Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition
Steven Roman, 2002
Writing excel marcos with VBA
Steven Roman, 2002
The Women and Language Debate: A Sourcebook
Camille Roman, 1994
Financial Econometrics
Roman Kozhan, 2010
Helgard Reichholf-Riehm (Przekład i adaptacja Roman Hotyński), 1996
Insolvency Law in East Asia
Roman Tomasic, 2006
Managing Global Innovation: Uncovering the Secrets of Future Competitiveness
Prof. Dr. Roman Boutellier, 2008
AVR-RISC Embedded Software selbst entwickeln
Roman Mittermayr, 2008
Prilog povijesti nastajanja Marxova "Kapitala", Nacrt "Kapitala" iz 1857-1858, sv. I
Roman Rosdolsky, 1975
Prilog povijesti nastajanja Marxova "Kapitala", Nacrt "Kapitala" iz 1857-1858, sv. II
Roman Rosdolsky, 1975