کتاب های Joel Brenner

Elektronische Beschaffung: Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen (Business Engineering)
Walter Brenner, 2007
Entwurf betrieblicher Datenelemente: Ein Weg zur Integration von Informationssystemen
Dr. Walter Brenner (auth.), 1988
Grundzüge des Informationsmanagements
Prof. Dr. Walter Brenner (auth.), 1994
Konzepte des Informationssystem-Managements
Prof. Dr. Walter Brenner (auth.), 1994
Wirtschaftsinformatik in Wissenschaft und Praxis: Festschrift für Hubert Österle
Walter Brenner, 2014
A Feminist Companion to the Song of Songs
Athalya Brenner, 1993
Applications of the theory of matrices
F.R. BRENNER, 1959
Benner & Rector's the Kidney
Barry M. Brenner MDAM(Hon)DSc(Hon)DMSc(Hon)FRCP(LondHon), 2003
Benner & Rector's the Kidney
B M Brenner
Benner and Rector's the Kidney, 7th edition (2 vol set)
Barry M. Brenner, 2003
State Space: A Reader
Neil Brenner, 2003
Fluid mechanics revisited
Words, Ideas, Worlds: Biblical Essays in Honour of Yairah Amit
Athalya Brenner, 2012
Clean Soil and Safe Water
Asher Brenner (auth.), 2012
Cardiac Energetics: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications
Dr. B. Brenner, 1987
Cancer Gene Therapy
Malcolm K. Brenner (auth.), 2005
Brenner and Rector's The Kidney: 2-Volume Set
Barry M. Brenner MDAM(Hon)DSc(Hon)DMSc(Hon)FRCP(LondHon), 2007
Bollinger und die Barbaren: Ein neuer Grenzfall
Wolfgang Brenner, 2008
Cybercrime: criminal threats from cyberspace
Susan W. Brenner, 2010
Bridginess: More of the Civil Engineering Life
Brian Brenner, 2009
Don't throw this away! : the civil engineering life
Brenner, 2007
Controversial issues in cardiac pathophysiology: Erwin Riesch Symposium, July 12/13, 1985
Dr. B. Brenner (auth.), 1986