کتاب های Joel Goldberg

Evolutionary multiobjective optimization: theoretical advances and applications
Ajith Abraham, Robert Goldberg, 2005
Renal and Adrenal Tumors: Pathology, Radiology, Ultrasonography, Therapy, Immunology
R. Ackermann, K. D. Bachmann, A. Baert, H. Behrendt, D. Beyer, W. Bischoff, E. Boijsen, H. Chr. Dominick, V. Fiedler, W. A. Fuchs, M. Georgi, U. Goerttler, H. I. Goldberg, R. Günther, W. Havers, R. Heckemann, H. Holfeld, L. Jeanmart, J. V. Kaude, L.-D. Leder, E. Löhr, M. Marberger, G. Marchal, P. Mellin, A. A. Moss, O. Olsson, M. Osteaux, H. J. Richter, E. Scherer, Chr. Stambolis, M. W. Strötges, B. Swart, G. Wilms (auth.), Eberhard Löhr (eds.), 1979
Basic Classes of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek (auth.), 2003
Basic Operator Theory
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, 1981
Basic Operator Theory
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg (auth.), 2001
Classes of Linear Operators Vol. I
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek (auth.), 1990
Classes of Linear Operators Vol. II
Israel Gohberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Seymour Goldberg (auth.), 1993
Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Nahum Krupnik, 2000
Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Nahum Krupnik, 2000
Accounting Thought (Studies in Accounting)
Louis Goldberg, 2001
Classes of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymor Goldberg, Marinus Kaashoek, 1990
Classes of Linear Operators
Israel Gohberg, Seymor Goldberg, Marinus Kaashoek, 1993
Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture VI
David E. Goldberg (auth.), I. C. Parmee PhD, CEng, MASCE, MEI (eds.), 2004
Custom Design Your Own Destiny
Bruce Goldberg, 2000
Green Electronics/Green Bottom Line: Environmentally Responsible Engineering
Lee H Goldberg, 1999
How to Design an Advisory System for a Secondary School
Mark F. Goldberg, 1998
The design of innovation: lessons from and for competent genetic algorithms
David Goldberg, 2002
Anatomy of a Scientific Discovery: The Race to Find the Body's Own Morphine
Jeff Goldberg, 2013
Osteoarthritis : diagnosis and medical/surgical management
Roland W. Moskowitz MD, Roy D. Altman MD, Joseph A. Buckwalter MD, Victor M. Goldberg, Marc C. Hochberg MDMPH, 2007
Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and Medical/Surgical Management
Roland W. Moskowitz, Roy D. Altman, Joseph A. Buckwalter, Victor M. Goldberg, Marc C. Hochberg, 2006
Albert Einstein and the creative act : the case of special relativity
Stanley Goldberg, 1983
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2nd Edition, 1996
John L. Hennessy David Goldberg, 1996