کتاب های Joel L. Sussman

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition
Abelson, Harold; Sussman, Gerald Jay; Sussman, Julie, 1996
Struktura i interpretacja programów komputerowych
Perlis Alan J.; Sussman Gerald Jay; Abelson Harold; Sussman Julie, 2002
Struktura i interpretacja programów komputerowych
Perlis Alan J.; Sussman Gerald Jay; Abelson Harold; Sussman Julie, 2002
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Harold Abelson,Gerald Jay Sussman,Julie Sussman, 1996
计算机程序的构造和解释(原书第2版): 原书第2版
Harold Abelson; Gerald Jay Sussman; Julie Sussman, 2004
Classic Recipes for Modern People: A Collection of Culinary Favorites Reimagined
Max & Eli Sussman; Eli Sussman, 2015
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs : JavaScript Edition
Harold Abelson;Gerald Jay Sussman;Martin Henz;Tobias Wrigstad;; Gerald Sussman; Martin Henz; Tobias Wrigstad, 2022
Structural Proteomics And Its Impact On The Life Sciences
Joel L. Sussman, 2008
Handbook of Marriage and the Family
Jay D. Teachman, Karen A. Polonko, John Scanzoni (auth.), Marvin B. Sussman, Suzanne K. Steinmetz (eds.), 1987
Beginning Dynamic Websites with ASP.NET Web Matrix
Dave Sussman, James Greenwood, Alex Homer, Colt Kwong, John M. West, 2003
Inside ASP.NET Web Matrix
Homer A., Sussman D., 2002
Benjamin Now: Critical Encounters with The Arcades Project (Boundary)
Tom Gunning, Howard Eiland, Henry Sussman, Lindsay Waters, Peter Fenves, Claudia Brodsky Lacour, Peter Wollon, Michael Jennings, Samuel Weber, T.J.Clark, 2003
A First Look at ASP.NET v. 2.0
Alex Homer, Dave Sussman, Rob Howard, 2004
Elementary General Thermodynamics
M.V. Sussman, 1972
Beginning Access 2002 VBA
Robert Smith, Dave Sussman, Ian Blackburn, John Colby, Mark Horner, Martin Reid, Paul Turley, Helmut Watson, 2003
Beginning Access 2002 VBA
Robert Smith, Dave Sussman, Ian Blackburn, John Colby, Mark Horner, Martin Reid, Paul Turley, Helmut Watson, 2003
Beginning Access 2002 VBA
Robert Smith, Dave Sussman, Ian Blackburn, John Colby, Mark Horner, Martin Reid, Paul Turley, Helmut Watson, 2003
The Fungal Population. An Advanced Treatise
G. C. Ainsworth and Alfred S. Sussman (Eds.), 1968
Challenges and Innovation in Hedge Fund Management
Dan Och, Laurence B. Siegel, Gregory J. Nowak, Robert P. Swan III, Clifford S. Asness, Richard D. Marshall, Alain De Coster, S. Donald Sussman, Kevin Kneafsey, S. Luke Ellis, 2004
The Release of Genetically Modified Microorganisms—REGEM 2
J. D. van Elsas (auth.), Duncan E. S. Stewart-Tull, Max Sussman (eds.), 1992
Beginning ASP NET 1 1 with Visual C- NET 2003
Chris Ullman, John Kauffman, Chris Hart, Dave Sussman, Daniel Maharry, 2004
Beginning ASP. NET 1. 1 with VB. NET 2003
Chris Ullman, John Kauffman, Chris Hart, David Sussman, 2004