کتاب های Joel Levin

Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law: Essays in Honour of Annette Kur
Niklas Bruun, Graeme B. Dinwoodie,Marianne Levin, Ansgar Ohly, 2020
Becoming a Responsive Science Teacher: Focusing on Student Thinking in Secondary Science
Daniel Levin, David Hammer, Andrew Elby, Janet Coffey, 2013
Slonim Woods 9: A Memoir
Daniel Barban Levin, 2021
Migration, Settlement, and the Concepts of House and Home
Iris Levin, 2015
Migration, Settlement, and the Concepts of House and Home
Iris Levin, 2015
The Verbal Math Lesson Book 2: Step-by-Step Math Without Pencil or Paper
Michael Levin MD, Charan Langton MS, 2014
Soda and Fizzy Drinks: A Global History (Edible)
Judith Levin, 2021
University Management, the Academic Profession, and Neoliberalism
John S. Levin, Marie C. Martin, Ariadna I. López Damián, 2020
Encyclopedia of biodiversity
Simon A. Levin (editor), 2014
Population Biology: Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics
Simon A. Levin (ed.), 1984
Administrative Law and Process in a Nutshell
Ronald M. Levin, Jeffrey S. Lubbers, 2016
Moderate to Severe Psoriasis, Fourth Edition
John Y. M. Koo, Ethan C. Levin, Argentina Leon, Jashin J. Wu, Alice B. Gottlieb, 2014
Moderate to Severe Psoriasis, Fourth Edition
John Y. M. Koo, Ethan C. Levin, Argentina Leon, Jashin J. Wu, Alice B. Gottlieb, 2014
Emergency Neurology
Morris Levin, 2013
“Non-Germans” under the Third Reich: The Nazi Judicial and Administrative System in Germany and Occupied Eastern Europe, with Special Regard to Occupied Poland, 1939-1945
Diemut Majer, Peter Thomas Hill, Edward Vance Humphrey, and Brian Levin, 2013
A Biographical Encyclopedia of Early Modern Englishwomen: Exemplary Lives and Memorable Acts, 1500-1650
Carole Levin, Anna Riehl Bertolet, Jo Eldridge Carney, 2016
The Flight of Uncontrolled Rockets
F. R. Gantmakher, L. M. Levin and H. L. Dryden (Auth.), 1964
W kręgu socjologii literatury. Antologia tekstów zagranicznych. T. 1, Stanowiska
Andrzej Mencwel (red.); Harry Tuchman Levin; Ian Watt; Hans Norbert Fügen; Giennadij Nikołajewicz Pospiełow; Leo Lowenthal; Lucien Goldmann; Robert Escarpit; Viktor Žmegač; Walter Benjamin, 1980
Reason and Evidence in Husserl's Phenomenology
David Michael Kleinberg-Levin, 1970
30-Minute Cooking for One: 85 No-Waste Recipes Made Easy
Amelia Levin, 2021
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: My 36 Years in the Senate
Carl Levin, 2021