کتاب های Johan A. Den Boer

SIMULA Programmer’s Guide for IBM System 360/370
Ole-Johan Dahl, Kristen Nygaard, 1983
SIMULA implementation guide
Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjorn Myhrhaug, 1973
SIMULA common base language
Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjorn Myhrhaug, Kristen Nygaard, 1970
SIMULA User’s Guide for IBM System/360
Ole-Johan Dahl, Kristen Nygaard, 1975
The Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients with JavaFX - Cross-Platform Mobile and Cloud Development
Stephen Chin, Johan Vos, James Weaver, 2020
Perspectives on Variation: Sociolinguistic, Historical, Comparative
Nicole Delbecque, Johan van der Auwera, Dirk Geeraerts, 2005
Nanometer resolution imaging and tracking of fluorescent molecules with minimal photon fluxes
Francisco Balzarotti, Yvan Eilers, Klaus C. Gwosch, Arvid H. Gyna, Voker Westphal, Fernando D. Stefani, Johan Elf, Stefan W. Hell
Living Together – Roland Barthes, the Individual and the Community
Knut Stene-Johansen, Christian Refsum, Johan Schimanski, 2018
Stacks Project
Johan de Jong, 2020
Cellular Internet of Things 2e : Technologies, Standards, and Performance.
Bergman, Johan; Liberg, Olof; Sachs, Joachim; Sundberg, Marten; Wang, Eric, 2019
Cellular Internet of Things 2e : Technologies, Standards, and Performance.
Bergman, Johan; Liberg, Olof; Sachs, Joachim; Sundberg, Marten; Wang, Eric, 2019
Mastering endgame strategy
Hellsten, Johan, 2013
La mia rivoluzione
Johan Cruyff, 2017
Hedge fund structure, regulation, and performance around the world
Cumming, Douglas; Dai, Na; Johan, Sofia A., 2013
Animal Models of Neurotrauma
Mårten Risling, Johan Davidsson, 2019
L'autunno del Medioevo
Johan Huizinga, 2020
Kamu Vicdanına Çağrı Sivil Itaatsizlik
Hannah Arendt; Ronald Dworkin; Jürgen Habermas; Johan Galtung; Martin Luther King; John Rawls; Hans Saner; Henry David Thoreau, 1997
French sociology
Johan Heilbron, 2015
Readings in Formal Epistemology
Horacio Arló-Costa, Vincent F. Hendricks and Johan van Benthem
El juicio al sujeto: un análisis global de los movimientos sociales
Immanuel Wallerstein; André Gunder Frank; Marta Fuentes; Johan Galtung; Samir Amin; Rafael Guido Béjar; Otto Fernández Reyes, 1990
The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood (Oxford Handbooks)
Jan Nuyts (editor), Johan van der Auwera (editor), 2016
Cognition and Intractability: A Guide to Classical and Parameterized Complexity Analysis
Iris van Rooij, Mark Blokpoel, Johan Kwisthout, Todd Wareham, 2019