کتاب های Johannes Mock (editor)

Datenwirtschaft und Datentechnologie: Wie aus Daten Wert entsteht (German Edition)
Marieke Rohde (editor), Matthias Bürger (editor), Kristina Peneva (editor), Johannes Mock (editor), 2022
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2021 Workshops: BIOKDD, IWCFS, MLKgraphs, AI-CARES, ProTime, AISys 2021, Virtual Event, September ... in Computer and Information Science)
Gabriele Kotsis (editor), A Min Tjoa (editor), Ismail Khalil (editor), Bernhard Moser (editor), Atif Mashkoor (editor), Johannes Sametinger (editor), Anna Fensel (editor), Jorge Martinez-Gil (editor), Lukas Fischer (editor), 2021
The Oxford Handbook of AI Governance
Justin B. Bullock (editor), Yu-Che Chen (editor), Johannes Himmelreich (editor), Valerie M. Hudson (editor), Anton Korinek (editor), Matthew M. Young (editor), Baobao Zhang (editor), 2024
Uexküll, Psychosomatische Medizin: Theoretische Modelle und klinische Praxis
Karl Köhle (editor), Wolfgang Herzog (editor), Peter Joraschky (editor), Johannes Kruse (editor), Wolf Langewitz (editor), Wolfgang Söllner (editor), 2016
Handbuch des Römischen Privatrechts
Ulrike Babusiaux (editor), Christian Baldus (editor), Wolfgang Ernst (editor), Franz-Stefan Meissel (editor), Johannes Platschek (editor), Thomas Rüfner (editor), 2023
Progress and Visions in Quantum Theory in View of Gravity: Bridging Foundations of Physics and Mathematics
Felix Finster (editor), Domenico Giulini (editor), Johannes Kleiner (editor), Jurgen Tolksdorf (editor), 2020
Progress and Visions in Quantum Theory in View of Gravity: Bridging Foundations of Physics and Mathematics
Felix Finster (editor), Domenico Giulini (editor), Johannes Kleiner (editor), Jürgen Tolksdorf (editor), 2020
Mysterium salutis. Lessico dei teologi del secolo ventesimo
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), Piersandro Vanzan (editor),Hans Jürgen Schultz (editor), 2018
English and Spanish: World Languages in Interaction
Danae Perez (editor), Marianne Hundt (editor), Johannes Kabatek (editor), Daniel Schreier (editor), 2021
Differential Object Marking in Romance: The third wave
Johannes Kabatek (editor); Philipp Obrist (editor); Albert Wall (editor); Knowledge Unlatched (editor), 2021
GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management (Open Access): A Global Perspective
Martin van Maarseveen (editor), Javier Martinez (editor), Johannes Flacke (editor), 2019
Translation in the Digital Age: Translation 4.0
Carsten Sinner (editor), Christine Paasch-Kaiser (editor), Johannes Härtel (editor), 2020
Philosophy of Globalization
Concha Roldán (editor), Daniel Brauer (editor), Johannes Rohbeck (editor), 2018
Arc Schemes and Singularities
David Bourqui (editor), Johannes Nicaise (editor), Julien Sebag (editor), 2020
Conceptualising Public Health: Historical and Contemporary Struggles over Key Concepts
Johannes Kananen (editor), Sophy Bergenheim (editor), Merle Wessel (editor), 2018
ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation: Creative Heritage. New Perspectives from Media Arts and Artificial Intelligence. 10th EAI International ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 422)
Matthias Wölfel (editor), Johannes Bernhardt (editor), Sonja Thiel (editor), 2022
Klinikhandbuch labordiagnostische Pfade Einführung - Screening - Stufendiagnostik
Johannes Aufenanger (editor); Georg Hoffmann (editor); Walter Hofmann (editor), 2014
Auf den Spuren der schriftgelehrten Weisen: Festschrift für Johannes Marböck anlässlich seiner Emeritierung
Irmtraud Fischer (editor), Ursula Rapp (editor), Johannes Schiller (editor), 2003
Manuel des langues romanes
Andre Klump (editor), Johannes Kramer (editor), Aline Willems (editor), 2014
The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education (Cambridge Handbooks in Education)
Julian Culp (editor), Johannes Drerup (editor), Douglas Yacek (editor), 2023
Mysterium salutis. Il tempo intermedio e il compimento della storia della salvezza (parte II). La storia della salvezza nel suo compimento
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 2018
Mysterium salutis. Il tempo intermedio e il compimento della storia della salvezza (parte I). La via dell'uomo redento nel tempo intermedio
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 2018
Mysterium salutis. L'evento salvifico nella comunità di Gesù Cristo (parte III). Azione della grazia di Dio
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 2018
Mysterium salutis. L'evento salvifico nella comunità di Gesù Cristo (parte II)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1975