کتاب های John A Strong

How to Use Microsoft Excel 2010
Gerard Strong, 2012
Concepts of Classical Optics
Strong, 2004
Concepts of Classical Optics
Strong, 2004
Greek Dictionary of the New Testament
James Strong, 1996
Greek Dictionary of the New Testament
James Strong
Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament
James Strong, 1997
Marine Combustion Practice
J. Flack, A. J. S. Bennett, R. Strong, 1969
First Sharing
Jory Strong, 2009
Allosterism in drug discovery
Dario Doller, Dario Doller, David Thurston, David Rotella, Xinyan Huang, Stephan Schann, Jesus Giraldo, Tom Costa, Terry Kenakin, Andrés A. Trabanco, Corey Hopkins, Andrew Alt, Sylvain Celanire, Ken Jacobsen, Phil Carpino, Anna-Liisa Brownell, Katie Lynne Strong, Craig Jamieson, Mark M. Levandoski, Benny Bang-Andersen, Stefan Knapp, Maurizio Botta, Shelli McAlpine, 2016
Handbook of Global Tuberculosis Control: Practices and Challenges
Yichen Lu, Lixia Wang, Hongjin Duanmu, Chris Chanyasulkit, Amie J. Strong, Hui Zhang (eds.), 2017
Race and Identity in Hemingway’s Fiction
Amy L. Strong (auth.), 2008
Merlin: Master of Magick
Gordon Strong, 2010
The collected works of Eugene Paul Wigner. Part B : Historical, philosophical, and socio-political papers. Vol. 7: Historical and biographical reflections and syntheses
Balazs, Nandor; Chester, Conrad; Emch, Gérard G.; Feshbach, Herman; Kohn, Walter; Mehra, Jagdish; Perry, Alfred M.; Shimony, Abner; Weinberg, Alvin Martin; Wightman, Arthur Strong; Wigner, Eugene Paul, 2001
Public Opinion, Legitimacy and Tony Blair’s War in Iraq
James Strong, 2017
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Politics of the Ordinary
Tracy B. Strong, 2002
The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage
Sarah Baker, Catherine Strong, Lauren Istvandity, Zelmarie Cantillon (eds.), 2018
Inspirational wit and wisdom from the internet: volume one
Balsiger, David; Strong, Chris, 2006
Ainu Spirits Singing: The Living World of Chiri Yukie’s Ainu Shin’yoshu
Sarah M. Strong, 2011
L’era di Stalin
Anna Louise Strong, 2004