کتاب های John Baugh
درباره نویسنده

Readings in African American Language: Aspects, Features, and Perspectives
Nathaniel Norment Jr.; David Dalby; John Baugh; Ernie A. Smith; Ralph W. Fasold; Walter A. Wolfram; Elaine E. Tarone; John Myhill; Ronald R. Butters; Marvin D. Loflin; J. L. Dillard; Nicholas R. Sobin; Arthur K. Spears; Edgar W. Schneider; Lisa J. Green; Stefan Martin; Arnetha F. Ball; Kikanza Nuri Webber, 2003
African-American English : structure, history, and use
Salikoko S. Mufwene (editor); Guy Bailey (editor); John Baugh (editor); John R. Rickford (editor), 2022
Beyond Ebonics: Linguistic Pride and Racial Prejudice
John Baugh, 2000
Go Programming
John P. Baugh, 2010
Linguistics in Pursuit of Justice
John Baugh, 2018
Vampire the Requiem - Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead
Benjamin Baugh, Steve Darlington, Wood Ingham, Becky Lowe, Matthew McFarland, 2009
Vampire: The Reqiuem - Nosferatu: The Beast That Hunts the Blood
Chuck Wendig, Jess Hartley, Ben Baugh, Orrin Loria, 2009
Vampire: The Requiem - Vampire Daeva Kiss of the Succubus
Russell Bailey, Benjamin Baugh, 2008
Hunter the Reckoning: Survival Guide (The World of Darkness)
Bruce Baugh, E. Jonathan Bennett, Michael Lee, Forest B. Marchinton, Robert Scott Martin, Angel McCo, 1999
*OP World of Rage (Werewolf: The Apocalypse)
Bruce Baugh, Chris Campbell, Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, Adam Tinworth, 2000
Ends of Empire (Wraith: The Oblivion)
Bruce Baugh, 1999
OP Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers Rev
Bruce Baugh, 2002
Clanbook: Lasombra (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Bruce Baugh, 2000
French Hegel: From Surrealism to Postmodernism
Bruce Baugh, 2003
French Hegel: From Surrealism to Postmodernism
Bruce Baugh, 2003
Vampire Storytellers Handbook (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Bruce Baugh, 1999
Vampire: The Dark Ages - Kindred of the East: Blood & Silk
Bruce Baugh, 2000
World of Darkness: Tokyo
Bruce Baugh, 1998
Wraith: The Great War (Vampire: The Dark Ages)
Bruce Baugh, 1999
A history of the English language
Albert C Baugh, 1957
Stereoselective Polymerization with Single-Site Catalysts
Lisa S. Baugh, 2007
A history of the English language
Baugh, Albert Croll, 2002