کتاب های John C. Collins

Religion in the Dead Sea Scrolls
John J. Collins, 2000
The Bible After Babel: Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age
John J. Collins, 2005
The Greenwood Dictionary of Education, Second edition
John W. Collins III, 2011
The Greenwood Dictionary of Education
John William Collins, 2008
Foundations of Perturbative QCD
John Collins, 2011
Foundations of Perturbative QCD
John Collins, 2011
Semeia 14: Apocalypse: The Morphology of a Genre
John J. Collins, 2003
The "Dead Sea Scrolls": A Biography
John J. Collins, 2012
The Bible after Babel: Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age
John J. Collins, 2008
Homelessness, Health Care and Welfare Provision
John Collins, 1993
Military Geography for Professionals and the Public
John M. Collins, 1998
The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity
John Joseph Collins (ed.), 1998
The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature
John J. Collins, 2014
The Penis Enlargement Bible.
John Collins, 2016
The Scepter and the Star: Messianism in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Second Edition
John J. Collins, 2010
Nano-Optics: Principles Enabling Basic Research and Applications
Baldassare Di Bartolo, John Collins, Luciano Silvestri (eds.), 2017
The Invention of Judaism: Torah and Jewish Identity from Deuteronomy to Paul
John J. Collins, 2017