کتاب های John Cole
درباره نویسنده

Criminal Justice in America
George F.(George F. Cole) Cole, 2010
Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition
W. Haresign, D.J.A. Cole,, D.J.A. Cole, W. Haresign, 1987
The Development of Children
Cynthia Lightfoot; Michael Cole; Sheila R. Cole, 2012
The Autobiography of Alexander Luria: A Dialogue with The Making of Mind
Michael Cole & Karl Levitin & Alexander R. Luria [Cole, Michael], 2014
Dean M Cole [Cole, Dean M], 2019
A Fantasy About Love
Opal Cole [Cole, Opal], 2019
The development of children
Michael Cole, Sheila R. Cole, 1996
Michael Cole, Sheila R. Cole
John L. Lewis, an unauthorized biography
Lewis, John L.; Lewis, John L. (Gewerkschaftsmitglied); Lewis, John Llewellyn; Lewis, John Llewellyn; Lewis, John Llewellyn; Lewis, John Llewellyn; Alinsky, Saul David, 1949
Crystal Structure Analysis
Alexander J Blake, Jacqueline M Cole, John S O Evans, Peter Main, Simon Parsons, David J Watkin, William Clegg, 2009
Microbial Toxins in Foods and Feeds: Cellular and Molecular Modes of Action
C. W. Hesseltine (auth.), Albert E. Pohland, Vulus R. Dowell Jr., John L. Richard, Richard J. Cole, Milven W. Eklund, Stanley S. Green, William P. Norred III, Morris E. Potter (eds.), 1990
Case Studies in Infectious Disease
Peter Lydyard, Michael Cole, John Holton, Will Irving, Nino Porakishvili, Pradhib Venkatesan, Kate Ward, 2009
Geology of the British Isles
P. G. H. Boswell, Grenville A. J. Cole, Arthur Morley Davies, Charles Davison, John W. Evans, J. Walter Gregory, Alfred Harker, Owen Thomas Jones, Percy Fry Kendall, Linsdall Richardson, William Whitehead Watts, H. J. Osborne White (auth.), J. W. Evans (eds.), 1918
Geography of the World's Major Regions
John Cole, 1996
Drug transporters. Volume 1, Role and importance in ADME and drug development
Glynis Nicholls, Glynis Nicholls, Kuresh Youdim, David Thurston, David Fox, John Keogh, Bruno Stieger, Bente Steffansen, Git W. Chung, David Dickens, Lena Gustavsson, Pradeep Sharma, Nico Scheer, Varma Manthena, Silke Simon, Susan Cole, Nick Plant, Aki Heikkinen, Karelle Menochet, Ichiro Leiri, David Marcus, 2016
Drug transporters. Volume 2, Recent advances and emerging technologies
Glynis Nicholls, Glynis Nicholls, Kuresh Youdim, David Thurston, David Fox, Bruno Stieger, Hideyuki Saito, David Dickens, Lena Gustavsson, Pradeep Sharma, Nico Scheer, Varma Manthena, Silke Simon, Susan Cole, Nick Plant, Ichiro Leiri, David Marcus, Bente Steffansen, Karelle Menochet, John Keogh, Aki Heikkinen, Colin Brown, 2016
america greatest library
john y cole, 201
Beyond The Good Earth: Transnational Perspectives On Pearl S. Buck
Jay Cole, John R. Haddad, 2019
Teaching Marx: The Socialist Challenge
Curry Stephenson Malott (editor), Mike Etc Cole (editor), John M. Elmore (editor), 2013
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
John W Valley, David R Cole, Eds., 2001
Human Milk: Nutritional Content and Role in Health and Disease
John I. Cole, 2021
The Great Unheard at Work: Understanding Voice and Silence in Organisations
Mark Cole, John Higgins, 2023