کتاب های John D. Hey (eds.)

The Inca and Aztec states, 1400-1800 : anthropology and history
George Allen Collier; Renato Rosaldo; John D. Wirth (eds.), 1982
Reforming Catholicism in the England of Mary Tudor: The Achievement of Friar Bartolomé Carranza
John Edwards, Ronald Truman (eds.), 2016
Virgilian Identities in the French Renaissance
Phillip John Usher, Isabelle Fernbach (eds.), 2012
A Cultural History of Tragedy in the Middle Ages
Jody Enders, Theresa Coletti, John T. Sebastian, Carol Symes (eds.), 2020
Iohannis Cantacuzeni Refutationes Prochori Cydonii et disputatio cum Paulo Patriarcha Latino epistulis septem tradita
E. Voordeckers, F. Tinnefeld (eds), John VI Cantacuzenus, 1987
Iohannis Cantacuzeni Refutationes Prochori Cydonii et disputatio cum Paulo Patriarcha Latino epistulis septem tradita
E. Voordeckers, F. Tinnefeld (eds), John VI Cantacuzenus, 1987
Spinal Cord Injury
Joost Verhaagen and John W. McDonald (Eds.), 2012
Repensando pedagogías y prácticas interculturales en las Américas
Sol Villagómez, Gisela Salinas, Sebastián Granda, Gabriela Czarny, Cecilia Navia (eds.), Aurora Iza, Cecilia Navia, Daniel Mato, Diana Ávila, Elba Gigante, Elizabeth Castillo, Ernesto Díaz, Fernando Garcés, Gabriela Czarny, Gisela Salinas, Gonzalo Soriano, John Agudelo, Jose Caicedo, Juarez Melgaço Valadares, Leonardo Marques Soares, Luis Montaluisa, Macarena Ossola, Sol Villagómez, Verónica Di Caudo, Noelia Di Prieto, Nuria Rodríguez, Sebastián Granda, Seín Ariosto Laparra, Soledad Guzmán, Stel, 2021
Quadratic Form Theory and Differential Equations
John Gregory (Eds.), 1980
The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Plastics
Genevieve Godin, Þóra Pétursdóttir, Estelle Praet, John Schofield (eds.), 2024
Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation: 6th International Workshop, LOPSTR'96 Stockholm, Sweden, August 28–30, 1996 Proceedings
I. J. Hayes, R. G. Nickson, P. A. Strooper (auth.), John Gallagher (eds.), 1997
Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation: 6th International Workshop, LOPSTR'96 Stockholm, Sweden, August 28–30, 1996 Proceedings
I. J. Hayes, R. G. Nickson, P. A. Strooper (auth.), John Gallagher (eds.), 1997
Bioethics, Public Moral Argument, and Social Responsibility
Nancy M. P. King (eds.), Michael J. Hyde (eds.), 2012
Studia z socjologii emocji. Podręcznik akademicki
Anna Czerner (eds), Elżbieta Nieroba (eds), 2011
Emerging Fluorinated Motifs Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Volume 1&2
Dominique Cahard(eds.);Jun‐An Ma(eds.), 2020
Olympiade-Aufgaben für junge Mathematiker: Mathematische Aufgaben für 10-15jährige
Bernd Noack (eds), Herbert Titze (eds), 1989
Art of Childhood and Adolescence: The Construction of Meaning
John Matthews, 1998
American Machiavelli: Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of U.S. Foreign Policy
John Lamberton Harper, 2004