کتاب های John E. Hall Phd

Advanced Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications
Charles P. Coleman (auth.), Ying Bai PhD, Hanqi Zhuang PhD, Dali Wang PhD (eds.), 2006
Advanced Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications
Charles P. Coleman (auth.), Ying Bai PhD, Hanqi Zhuang PhD, Dali Wang PhD (eds.), 2006
Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking
Dr. Li-Fang Zhang PhD, Robert J. Sternberg PhD, Stephen Rayner PhD, 2011
Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking
Dr. Li-Fang Zhang PhD, Robert J. Sternberg PhD, Stephen Rayner PhD, 2011
Advanced Biological Treatment Processes
Nazih K. Shammas, Yu Liu, Lawrence K. Wang (auth.), Lawrence K. Wang PhD, PE, DEE, Nazih K. Shammas PhD, Yung-Tse Hung PhD, PE, DEE (eds.), 2009
Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text
Allan Gaw MDPhDMRCPathMFPMMICR, Michael J. Murphy FRCPEdinFRCPath, Robert A. Cowan BScPhD, Denis St. J. O'Reilly MScMDFRCPath, Michael J. Stewart PhDFRCPath, James Shepherd MD, 2008
Bone metastases: a translational and clinical approach
Vassiliki Tzelepi, Athanassios C. Tsamandas, Vassiliki Zolota, Chrisoula D. Scopa (auth.), Dr. Dimitrios Kardamakis MD, PhD, DMRT, Dr. Vassilios Vassiliou MD, PhD, Dr. Edward Chow MBBS, PhD, FRCPC (eds.), 2009
Bone Metastases: A translational and clinical approach
Vassiliki Tzelepi, Athanassios C. Tsamandas, Vassiliki Zolota, Chrisoula D. Scopa (auth.), Dr. Dimitrios Kardamakis MD, PhD, DMRT, Dr. Vassilios Vassiliou MD, PhD, Dr. Edward Chow MBBS, PhD, FRCPC (eds.), 2009
Clinical Immunology: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition
Robert R. Rich MD, Thomas A. Fleisher MD, William T. Shearer MDPhD, Harry W. Schroeder II MDPhD, Anthony J. Frew MDFRCP, Cornelia M. Weyand MDPhd, 2008
Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 10, 1992: Focus on Current Critical Nursing Problems
Joyce J. Fitzpatrick PhDRNFAAN, Roma Taunton PhD, Ada Jacox PhD, 1992
Critical Care Nursing of Older Adults: Best Practices, Third Edition
Marquis D. Foreman PhDRNFAAN, Dr. Koen Milisen PhDRN, Terry T. Fulmer PhDRNFAAN, 2009
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Bob Stahl PhD, Elisha Goldstein PhD, Saki Santorelli EdDMA, Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD, 2010
Mindfulness and Acceptance
Steven C. Hayes PhD, Victoria M. Follette PhD, Marsha M. Linehan PhdABPP, 2004
Mindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition
Steven C. Hayes PhD, Victoria M. Follette PhD, Marsha M. Linehan PhdABPP, 2004
Mindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition
Steven C. Hayes PhD, Victoria M. Follette PhD, Marsha M. Linehan PhDABPP, 2004
Mindfulness and the Therapeutic Relationship
Steven F. Hick PhD, Thomas Bien PhD, Zindel V. Segal PhD, 2008
Biomarker Methods in Drug Discovery and Development
Chris B. Russell phD, Sid Suggs phD (auth.), Feng Wang PhD (eds.), 2008
Hematopathology: A Volume in the High Yield Pathology Series
Jon C. Aster MDPhD, Olga Pozdnyakova MDPhD, Jeffery L. Kutok MDPhD, 2013
Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols
K. Sue O’Shea (auth.), Tanja Zigova PhD, Paul R. Sanberg PhD, DSc, Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos PhD, MD (eds.), 2002
Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols
K. Sue O’Shea (auth.), Tanja Zigova PhD, Paul R. Sanberg PhD, DSc, Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos PhD, MD (eds.), 2002
Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols
K. Sue O’Shea (auth.), Tanja Zigova PhD, Paul R. Sanberg PhD, DSc, Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos PhD, MD (eds.), 2002
Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols
K. Sue O’Shea (auth.), Tanja Zigova PhD, Paul R. Sanberg PhD, DSc, Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos PhD, MD (eds.), 2002
Adaptive Disclosure: A New Treatment for Military Trauma, Loss, and Moral Injury
Brett T. Litz PhD, Leslie Lebowitz PhD, Matt J. Gray PhD, William P. Nash M.D., 2015
ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says
Russell A. Barkley PhDABPPABCN, Kevin R. Murphy PhD, Mariellen Fischer PhD, 2007