کتاب های John G. Del Greco

Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys
Salvatore Greco, 2016
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis:State of the Art Surveys
Salvatore Greco, 2004
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis:State of the Art Surveys
Salvatore Greco, 2004
The End of Money and the Future of Civilization
Thomas Greco Jr., 2009
Traveling salesman problem
Greco F. (ed.), 2008
Traveling Salesman Problem
Federico Greco, 2008
Nanoscale technology in biological systems
Ralph S. Greco, 2005
River Flow 2004, Volume 2
Massimo Greco, 2004
The Book Publishing Industry
Albert N. Greco, 2005
Art and the religious image in El Greco's Italy
Greco, 2014
Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments for Children and Adolescents: A Practitioner’s Guide
Laurie A. Greco PhD, 2008
L’astro narrante: La Luna nella scienza e nella letteratura italiana
Pietro Greco (auth.), 2009
L’universo a dondolo: La scienza nell’opera di Gianni Rodari
Pietro Greco (auth.), 2010
Topografia di Atene. Sviluppo urbano e monumenti dalle origini al III secolo, d. C.
Emanuele Greco, 2010
Only If You Are Really Interested: Celebrity, Gender, Desire and the World of Morrissey
Nicholas P. Greco, 2011