کتاب های John G. Taft

Anna Karenina (Penguin Classics)
Leo Tolstoy, Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky, John Bayley, 2002
Anti-Sport Sentiments in Literature: Batting for the Opposition
John Bale, 2007
At Emerson's Tomb: The Politics of Classic American Literature
John Carlos Rowe, 1996
Daniel: With an Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature (Forms of the Old Testament Literature)
John Joseph Collins, 1984
Social roots : why social innovations are creating the influence economy
Girard, John P.; Gordon, Cindy; Weir, Andrew, 2014
Essay Of Dramatick Poesie
John Dryden, 2004
The Autobiography Of Goethe. Truth And Poetry: From My Own Life.
John Oxenford, 2008
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, The Holy Sonnets
John Donne, Gary A. Stringer, Paul A. Parrish, 2005
Black Cat: Heinemann Guided Readers
John Miline, 1975
Can Jane Eyre Be Happy?: More Puzzles in Classic Fiction
John Sutherland, 1997
Hercules: By the Sword
Timothy Boggs, John Escott, 1999
In Search of the Promised Land: A Slave Family in the Old South
John Hope Franklin, Loren Schweninger, 2005
Mansfield Park
Jane Austen, John Wiltshire, 2005
Road to Nowhere: Elementary Level
John Milne, 1999
So You Think You Know Jane Austen?: A Literary Quizbook
John Sutherland, Deirdre Le Faye, 2005
So You Think You Know Thomas Hardy?: A Literary Quizbook
John Sutherland, 2005
The Beautiful and Damned
John Milne, 1995
100 percent mathematical proof
Rowan Garnier, John Taylor, 1996
100 percent mathematical proof
Rowan Garnier, John Taylor, 1996
100% mathematical proof
Rowan Garnier, John Taylor, 1996
100% Mathematical Proof
Rowan Garnier, John Taylor, 1996
John Hempel, 1976
3-Manifolds (Annals of Mathematics Studies)
John Hempel, 1976