کتاب های John H. Perkins

Confessioni di un sicario dell'economia
Perkins, John, 2005
A Game as Old as Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption
Steven Hiatt, John Perkins, 2007
A game as old as empire : the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption
Steven Hiatt, John Perkins, 2007
Geopolitics and the Green Revolution: Wheat, Genes, and the Cold War
John H. Perkins, 1997
Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Riki Ott, John Perkins, 2008
Border life: experience and memory in the Revolutionary Ohio Valley
Elizabeth A. Perkins, John Dabney Shane, 1998
Controlling the earth : wheat, genes, and the cold war
John H Perkins, 1997
Attack proof : the ultimate guide to personal protection
John Perkins, 2009
Confessions of an economic hit man
John Perkins, 2004
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
John Perkins, 2005
Confessions of an economic hit man
John Perkins, 2004
Confessions of an economic hit man
Perkins, John, 2004
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
John Perkins, 2004
HitMan wyznania ekonomisty od brudnej roboty
John Perkins, 2006
Insects, Experts, and the Insecticide Crisis: The Quest for New Pest Management Strategies
John H. Perkins (auth.), 1982
Les confessions d'un assassin financier
John Perkins, 2005
Les confessions d’un assassin financier
John Perkins, 2005
Les confessions d’un assassin financier
John Perkins, 2005
Confesiones De Un Gangster Economico (Spanish Edition)
JohnPerkins, 2005
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
John Perkins