کتاب های John Hindmarsh

electrical machines and drives systems
John Hindmarsh, Alasdair Renfrew, 1997
Electrical Machines and Drives,
John Hindmarsh, Alasdair Renfrew, 1997
Electrical Machines and Drives, Third Edition
John Hindmarsh, Alasdair Renfrew, 1997
Worked Examples in Electrical Machines and Drives. Applied Electricity and Electronics
John Hindmarsh and P. Hammond (Auth.), 1982
Electrical Machines and their Applications
John Hindmarsh (Auth.), 1984
Atomic Spectra
W.R. Hindmarsh, 1967
Cosmic Strings and Coherence
Hindmarsh, M B, 2006
Relativistic quantum fields 1
Hindmarsh M., 1997
Three Birds Renovations: 400+ renovation and styling secrets revealed
Erin Cayless, Bonnie Hindmarsh, Lana Taylor, 1st Apr 2019
Edging Towards BioUtopia: A New Politics of Reordering Life & The Democratic Challenge
Richard Hindmarsh, 2008
Three Birds Renovations: Dream Home How-To
Bonnie Hindmarsh, Erin Cayless, Lana Taylor, 2021
Video in Qualitative Research: Analysing Social Interaction in Everyday Life
Christian Heath, Jon Hindmarsh, Paul Luff, 2010
Life in the Spirit: Spiritual Formation in Theological Perspective
Jeffrey P. Greenman; George Kalantzis; Gordon D. Fee; Dallas Willard; Lawrence S. Cunningham; Kelly M. Kapic; D. Bruce Hindmarsh; Christopher A. Hall; Susan S. Phillips; James C. Wilhoit; Cherith Fee Nordling; David P. Gushee; Linda M. Cannell, 2010