کتاب های John Holland (auth.)

Bird spotting
Holland, John; Stuurman, Rein, 1979
Coding All-in-One For Dummies
Nikhil Abraham, Andy Harris, Eva Holland, Joris Meys, Luca Massaron, Chris Minnick, John Paul Mueller, Andrie de Vries, 2017
Coding All-in-One For Dummies
Nikhil Abraham, Andy Harris, Eva Holland, Joris Meys, Luca Massaron, Chris Minnick, John Paul Mueller, Andrie de Vries, 2017
Lacan and Marx: The Invention of the Symptom
Pierre Bruno; John Holland, 2020
Psychic Navigator
John Holland, 2018
The Rough Guide to Yugoslavia
Martin Dunford, Jack Holland, and John McGhie, 1987
Origin and Evolution of Viruses
Esteban Domingo (editor), Colin R. Parrish (editor), John J. Holland (editor), 2008
European Union Common Foreign Policy: From EPC to CFSP Joint Action and South Africa
Martin Holland (auth.), 1995
Rutland Street. The Story of an Educational Experiment for Disadvantaged Children in Dublin
Séamas Holland (Auth.), 1979
Protein Secretion: Methods and Protocols
I. Barry Holland (auth.), 2010
Feministische Demokratietheorie: Thesen zu einem Projekt
Barbara Holland-Cunz (auth.), 1998
Gender and Politics: „Geschlecht“ in der feministischen Politikwissenschaft
Barbara Holland-Cunz (auth.), 1999
Blood Oxygenation: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Blood Oxygenation, held at the University of Cincinnati, December 1–3, 1969
Robert A. B. Holland (auth.), 1970
Britain and the Commonwealth Alliance 1918–1939
R. F. Holland (auth.), 1981
Capital Versus the Regions
Stuart Holland (auth.), 1976
Choriocarcinoma: Transactions of a Conference of the International Union against Cancer
James F. Holland M. D. (auth.), 1967
Das Mailing: Planung, Gestaltung, Produktion
Heinrich Holland (auth.), 2002
Direktmarketing-Aktionen professionell planen: Von der Situationsanalyse bis zur Erfolgskontrolle
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Holland (auth.), 2001
Direktmarketing-Fallstudien: Beispiele für Datenbanken, Adress-Selektionen, Mailings
Heinrich Holland (auth.), 2002
European Decolonization 1918–1981: An Introductory Survey
R. F. Holland (auth.), 1985
Pole Dancing, Empowerment and Embodiment
Samantha Holland (auth.), 2010
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy
J. F. Holland (auth.), 1991
Human-Environment Relations: Transformative Values in Theory and Practice
Alan Holland (auth.), 2012